The Official RC DIMMU BORGIR Thread

I don't think my tastes tend to favor the more extreme elements in Metal, as much as the tastes of many others on this board seem to. The big problem I have with Black Metal (and I know many BM purest will say that Dimmu isn't BM) is the horrid, low budget production and the typically terrible vocals. I also think Black Metal lyrics tend to favor flowerly language over cohesive thought. That being said, I liked PEM. I thought it was a superb disc. I have DCA, but haven't had a chance to give it a good listen.

General Zod said:
I also think Black Metal lyrics tend to favor flowerly language over cohesive thought.
It really depends on the sub-genre. Depending on which, I look at the lyrics as poetry set to mayhem. For me, the contrast of that beauty alongside the brutality can give it more depth, compared to say, other genres where it's all a bit more obvious.

I do think the genre is an acquired taste - it took me a long long time to appreciate, say, Nightside Eclipse, because at face value it's essentially the description that you gave of the 'low production' - but now, if I'm in the right mood, I just find myself 'sinking' into the albums depth...
JayKeeley said:
...I look at the lyrics as poetry set to mayhem. For me, the contrast of that beauty alongside the brutality can give it more depth, compared to say, other genres where it's all a bit more obvious.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the contrast as well. However, it sounds like Black Metal bands are trying use words that they THINK sound impressive, in an attempt to be poetic. It often sounds like they write these lyrics with a thesaurus in hand.

JayKeeley said:
I do think the genre is an acquired taste - it took me a long long time to appreciate, say, Nightside Eclipse, because at face value it's essentially the description that you gave of the 'low production' - but now, if I'm in the right mood, I just find myself 'sinking' into the albums depth...
I agree. It took me a while to appreciate Death Metal. But now I have quite a bit of it in my collection. I tend to revisit highly touted Black Metal discs from time to time, to see if there's any more there that I might appreciate. So far, most of the genre still does nothing for me.

Papa Josh,

I was more pointing out that most folks into Black Metal don't consider DM Black Metal, rather than making that judgement on my own. However, I'm not sure why they don't. Care to shed some light on this for me?

General Zod said:
I agree. It took me a while to appreciate Death Metal. But now I have quite a bit of it in my collection. I tend to revisit highly touted Black Metal discs from time to time, to see if there's any more there that I might appreciate. So far, most of the genre still does nothing for me.
Fair enough - it's probably the least 'instant' of all genres anyway. It was a combination for me between sessions of Arcturus, Borknagar, early Ulver, Agalloch, Empyrium etc and a ton of viking stuff. All of which cracked the ice to more 'intense' or 'traditional' BM.

I would listen to my albums in bits and pieces, and then one day, I found myself listening to it more and more, until I was fully immersed listening to the entire albums in one sitting. I have to say, it was Nightside Eclipse that changed everything for me after listening to it off and on for perhaps a year! I felt the urge to write a review for it (just the overall dynamic of how I interpret it) and I even started a thread about it on this forum, asking what other bands were similar, and through that I discovered Nokturnal of my current fave bands, and I have a feeling you might like them actually.

I have to say that between BM and DM, I actually prefer BM. There's so much more variation IMO, and when you finally 'get it', you start noticing all the neo-classical elements as well, especially obvious with NM.

I'm rambling I know...heh.
speaking of albums that "broke the ice":

Cradle of Filth - "Dusk. . ." = back in the late 90s, this was the most fucked up thing i had ever heard in my life. i thought it was bizarre and terrible. i hated it. but it was exposure to the 'blacker side' of things, even though cradle aren't BM. btw, i love this album to death now! :)

Emperor - Anthems. . . = the "crossing over point" for me. i was shocked at how good it was when i first heard it! from then on there was no going back. . .

Mayhem - "De Mysteriis. . ." = introduced me to the pummeling underworld of chaos!

those are the main 3, in chronological order. from those i moved on to many of the underground bands, and black metal has slowly evolved into my favorite music genre. there are a ton of BM albums i have been exposed to, but these 3 will always be special to me. and 2 of them are arguably not in the genre! (some say "anthems. . ." is not BM, but i disagree wholeheartedly)
I didn't get into much black metal until real recently, the only CDs that I had were CoF - Dusk... And Her Embrace and Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane, and both of those are borderline black anyhow.

I do plan on ordering a buttload this winter though, I fell in love with Nattens Madrigal last year and am truly ready for all those grim and tr00. :)
NAD said:
I do plan on ordering a buttload this winter though
Any idea of what you're ordering? I'm just curious - it might be cool to start a thread on black metal recommendations, just because there are so many 'strands': ambient, astral, symphonic, battle/war, NSBM, viking, etc etc.
Emperor, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Bathory, Immortal, etc. I'll be compiling a list soon enough, but I want to focus on the older releases mostly. I've garnered plenty of recommendations from the 'zine and the forum, I'm sure I won't be able to grab all I want just yet. :)
So any other opinions on the new Dimmu yet? It got a sweet write up in the new BWBK (album of the month), and I have to say, it sounds intriguing...

...I don't mind the BWBK reviews - each of the 10 or so reviewers scored the albums, and the new Dimmu was unanimously voted for as the best album of the month.
OK, well here are the top 5 Albums in this month's BWBK:

1 - Dimmu Borgir
2 - Arch Enemy - (good write up actually)
3 - Iron Maiden
4 - Morbid Angel
5 - Dead Soul Tribe

Since I'm liking #2 & #3, and wanting to hear #4 & #5, then odds are I'm going to enjoy #1 too. :)
