The Official RC DIMMU BORGIR Thread

JayKeeley said:
1 - Dimmu Borgir
2 - Arch Enemy - (good write up actually)
3 - Iron Maiden
4 - Morbid Angel
5 - Dead Soul Tribe

Since I'm liking #2 & #3, and wanting to hear #4 & #5, then odds are I'm going to enjoy #1 too. :)
Arch Enemy works out fine for me in the way WoS did.
Iron Maiden is quite easily a top 10 contender. Their best since 7th Son.
Dead Soul Tribe is surprisingly good - I did not think I would like this as much as I do. Totally out of my element, but good call NAD and thanks for the promo passalong.
Morbid Angel - I'm waiting for Papa Josh's review. Hurry up you bastard.
Dimmu Borgir - Own it, haven't heard it yet.
Right now I'm still on the fence with Death Cult Armageddon, I can appreciate a good half of it but it's probably not going to convert me from indifference to rabid fandom. And the DST album is bound to appeal to people who normally don't appreciate progressive metal...
JayKeeley said:
King Crimson on the other hand isn't as easy to digest in one sitting...:)
How's that one workin' out for ya anyhow? I fell in love immediately with the new one, but then again it was my 19th King Crimson or so, so I knew what to expect. :)

Glad you like Deadsoul Tribe, I dig it because it's simple but not, if that makes sense.

I might need to use that logic to get the new Dimmu, because I dig the new Morbid Angel, Arch Enemy, and DST a lot. I'm still a bit wary with new Dimmu though... Puritanical Euphoria Misanthropic Beastiality (whatever) makes me ill.