Another Blaze post!




Saw Blaze again last night, supporting Helloween at Nottingham Rock City. I have to say they were absolutely fantastic once again. Can't wait to see them at Bloodstock. Helloween were pretty good too!

Oh, and it was my extreme pleasure to bump into both Cylon King and Vince from our number. Great to see you both!

I'll second that!

Rock City was a great night with Blaze on top form (apart from the minor guitar probs),there were about 12 of us there from the Blaze BB and we had a great night.

@ Vince - Nice to meet you before the gig it was great to be able to have a quick chat, I would have liked to talk longer but I had to get to the front for Blaze.

@ Everyone else - See you all at Bloodstock!!!!!!

Lucky for me I had a friend at Nottingham Uni I was able to find a place to crash so could see Blaze support Helloween at Rockcity. Wow that band has such great energy live they really stole the show, they may have only been on stage for about an hour and I only counted 9 songs, they were the warm up band after all but I now gotta try and get to Bloodstock to hear them play a full set as they got a fair few really cool songs they did not have time to fit in. Helloween had some real great music but seemed to stand around with to little energy for the music they were playing, Blaze was the highlight of the night for me :)

I really hope I can get to Bloodstook but Somerset to Derby and back again in one day is gonna be tricky!

Blaze are gonna steal the show at Bloodstock, and remember, you heard it here first !!!

I have never seen a supposed 'Warm-up' band turn Rock City over like Blaze did. Normally you get the hardcore few at the front and then that's it. Rock City was jumping for the whole set.

Get another show at Rock City before Bloodstock Blaze as I think you made many many fans on Monday night who really want to see you again. I bet ticket sales for Bloodstock have increased yet again ?

It was REALLY good to see you too Lilac666 (as it always is)

Blaze Rocks !!!!!