Another Bugera 333 test

Hey dude. Stumbled over this thread and figured I'd post my tone with a Bugera 333. I've got 3 guitars on this recording. 2 100 L/R and one in the middle. I recorded it by sending my amp's line out to my soundcard and then running it through some different cabinet impulses on Voxengo Boogex. For the side guitars I am using an ENGL pro cab with an sm57 to it and the middle guitar has a Mesa Boogie (v30 celestions) with an sm57. Then there's a high and low pass on the guitars and a wide notch at 3.5kHz scooped out slighty .

I think it sounds much better than my amp sims, with real tubes on it. Let me know what you think!

I thought your tone was good! Seemed a little dark and bass heavy though? But its kinda hard when you have to change the frequencies for the other instruments after anyway.