another church burning

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
France's Expatica reports: A shadowy anti-religious group with links to heavy metal music has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on Christian sites in Brittany in northwest France, police said Thursday.

Members of the group, which calls itself "True Armorik Black Metal", or TABM, describe themselves as "extremist and anti-ecclesiastical" in a letter sent to local newspaper the Telegramme, which published excerpts on Thursday.

"We are going to strike again, again and again," warned the letter, in which the group's acronym is scrawled in blood-red letters over the image of an inverted Christian cross.

Police, who are hunting a group of Satanists they believe responsible for the attacks, said they were taking the letter seriously and had sent it for analysis by a specialised unit.

Graffiti of the letters ABM was found at nine Christian sites desecrated in recent weeks. Police believe the letters signify Aryan Black Metal, a Satanist movement which has links to heavy metal music, paganism and far-right politics.

Last weekend, the 16th-century Chapel of the Cross at Loqueffret near the remote tip of Brittany was gutted in a blaze, which left just the four walls standing (Photo#1, Photo#2). The doors of the chapel were forced open, and several original polychrome statues were destroyed.

Eight other Christian shrines — six roadside granite crosses and two fountains — were torn down or smashed last month in an area of the Finistere department near the popular holiday resorts of Benodet and Concarneau.


while i support their ideals (the end of religion), there are better ways to voice their opinion than terrorism

I agree with ya roach. While the goal is commendable, the method of achieving those goals could use some work.
The methods are the only way that will work - you can't convince someone who has been rooted a mile underground with their beliefs without doing something that will shake the foundation of the beliefs themselves - to loosen up the roots.

I don't support this - nor do I disagree with it however, simply think that - if this goes on further that whole "missing spirit" people call about could perhaps find its way back.
The methods are the only way that will work - you can't convince someone who has been rooted a mile underground with their beliefs without doing something that will shake the foundation of the beliefs themselves - to loosen up the roots.

I don't think this is true at all. This will probably only reinforce their faith and convince them there's evil in the world. They will rebuilt the church and nothing will change really. Next time you even try to talk against religion to them you'll find ears that will listen less then before.
Words don't work already obviously - not that there is a solution, but extremism, while not always the most effective way, will hurt the people in a way - and I think that in some sense the point isn't to destroy Christianity, as that is impossible now - but rather to hurt the people.
but burning a church is not going to losen anything. if anything, it will make their resolve stronger. dunping a pile of anti christian leaflets on the doorstep of every church in the town would probably get the same coverage. and depending on how they were written, could provide a forum for discussion.

church burning isnt going to stop christianity. it will make them feel like soldiers in a religious war and will strengthen their resolve
Christianity will not be stopped by any means - aside from time, so frankly what they're doing probably is inconsequential but to them - I'd assume - it is their part in this "war."
but burning a church is not going to losen anything. if anything, it will make their resolve stronger. dunping a pile of anti christian leaflets on the doorstep of every church in the town would probably get the same coverage. and depending on how they were written, could provide a forum for discussion.

church burning isnt going to stop christianity. it will make them feel like soldiers in a religious war and will strengthen their resolve

Exactly. You just give them reasons to be convinced they are the good ones and their religion is great.

Plus...why do you feel the need to hurt them or change them. Just ignore them...chose your path and let them chose theirs. No need to burn churches which really doesn't do much besides the shock factor.
Shock factor - will inevitably bring attention to the cause, and even negative attention will find more people willing to support it.
Plus...why do you feel the need to hurt them or change them. Just ignore them...chose your path and let them chose theirs. No need to burn churches which really doesn't do much besides the shock factor.

ok, i was with you until you said ignore them. do you know how many times ive been stopped by people? its especially bad in the military community (i'm in the usaf). both in japan and here in the states i have been stopped, and either ridiculed, invited to church, or invited to an hour long debate in the colorado springs airport. also, every night on tv here (at al udeid air base, qatar) i see commercials advertising god (pretty funny concept actually. i didnt think christianity needed commercials to advertise, but there they are). now, i can avoid going to church, and i can change the channel if a religious show is on tv. but i cant avoid the commercials (theyre on every AFN channel at random times in the day), and i certainly cant avoid the bible thumpers which haunt our world. nor will they ignore me. id be happy to be left alone and leave them alone. but they wont leave me alone.

so somthing does need to be done. people need to speak up. i've many times thought about filing a complaint, just so it exists. i dont expect anything will be done to stop it, but if i get stopped again, i should probably speak up. not many others will. and there are plenty of anti religion people in the military. especially within the career fields that require testing scores, like intel hehehe.

we may not be able to end christianity, but there should be a way to live together. i leave them alone, why wont they leave me alone?
/end rant
Shock factor - will inevitably bring attention to the cause, and even negative attention will find more people willing to support it.

Are you dreaming? Do you think people will react to the church burning that way: "Hey they burnt the church surely they had a good reason...I must have the wrong religion..."

People who are sympathetic to the cause will think it's nice that a church burnt...but the people who are for catholic religion won't change the way they think no matter how many churches burns.

And do you think that undecided people will range against the catholic religino now because some dumbass from france burnt a church? This really won't change anyone's opinion on the subject.
i dont think he meant it like that. the shock isnt trying to convert them. the shock is simply promoting your message. its self promotion
Yeah - I meant it as a self-promotion, people that already harbor feelings of discontent to the Christian religion could see this as a time to pick up arms and join the cause - it is as genocide roach said, self-promotion. The shock gets the medias attention, the media attention gets the attention of those who otherwise don't know about the efforts.

Yeah, my job is probably conducive to creating the mindset of wanting to start fires haha. Man, imagine a library fire. That thing would fucking burn for a while.

Yeah, my job is probably conducive to creating the mindset of wanting to start fires haha. Man, imagine a library fire. That thing would fucking burn for a while.

when was the last time we had a good book burning? ahhh, those were the good ole days.

it wouldnt suprise me if book burnings happened in the near future. our society seems to be regressing because of religion.

...come to think of it. wasnt there a book burning recently?
ok, i was with you until you said ignore them. do you know how many times ive been stopped by people? its especially bad in the military community (i'm in the usaf). both in japan and here in the states i have been stopped, and either ridiculed, invited to church, or invited to an hour long debate in the colorado springs airport. also, every night on tv here (at al udeid air base, qatar) i see commercials advertising god (pretty funny concept actually. i didnt think christianity needed commercials to advertise, but there they are). now, i can avoid going to church, and i can change the channel if a religious show is on tv. but i cant avoid the commercials (theyre on every AFN channel at random times in the day), and i certainly cant avoid the bible thumpers which haunt our world. nor will they ignore me. id be happy to be left alone and leave them alone. but they wont leave me alone.

so somthing does need to be done. people need to speak up. i've many times thought about filing a complaint, just so it exists. i dont expect anything will be done to stop it, but if i get stopped again, i should probably speak up. not many others will. and there are plenty of anti religion people in the military. especially within the career fields that require testing scores, like intel hehehe.

we may not be able to end christianity, but there should be a way to live together. i leave them alone, why wont they leave me alone?
/end rant

haha I guess you're unlucky. Personnaly I've been doing my thing and nobody bothered me in the last 20 years or so. Move to Canada maybe? :p