another church burning

Satanists are asses and this prooves it. They're going to hell atleast and the christians that got burnt shall go to heaven :D. Screw all Satanists that entire religion is overrated and I know someone who wants to be one also!!!

Yeah, you're fuel for their views. People like you need to be impaled on sharpened cross.
Stop taking Krig serious. :)


Then what are you doing in this thread?
To state my opinon

Incoherent. Please rephrase :zombie:

Basiclly i was saying that black metal bands preach misanthropy. And if they really are that misanthropic they would to belive that christainty's ideas of having moral rules becuase in misanthropy you distrust(or hate) the world...there for they would belive that without rules the world would be in chaos.

That misanthropy one is hard to explain.....just ignore it.
You have to give them credit for actually getting out there and doing something to further their beliefs. I disagree with those saying this is counterproductive or the wrong way to convert people and end religion - I doubt the goal of black metal, and specifically this group, is to create some kind of secular humanist utopia. Burning a church isn't supposed to be practical, it's just a symbolic way of attracting attention to ideas. Really more artistic expression than any tactical attack.

I wonder if a list of black metal inspired church arsons exists, I know we have even had one here in Manitoba a few years back. There must have been dozens by now.
I'm not happy about it, but I'm not unhappy. Though, they should find a more effective way of fighting back, something more intelligent. For example Ghandi threw over the british empire without fighting. Not that I'm comparing these black metal guys with Ghandi haha, but just a thought. There are definitely more effective ways to get your point across and make a difference.
I'm not happy about it, but I'm not unhappy. Though, they should find a more effective way of fighting back, something more intelligent. For example Ghandi threw over the british empire without fighting. Not that I'm comparing these black metal guys with Ghandi haha, but just a thought. There are definitely more effective ways to get your point across and make a difference.

. Can not be said better except that i am catholic and i am aginst buring of it.
Seems to me like a justified act of civil disobedience. I don't think there are many better ways of getting their point across.
Especially if their goal is exposure. What could they do to get more attention? Murder I suppose, but that would attract so much legal attention as to be counterproductive. Burning churches is powerful symbolically, is an established form of expression in this "movement", and has the benefit of attracting the international attention that flyering and small protests never will.

Really, what are all these better ways they are missing out on? Letters to the editor?
again, it's just bored spoiled teenagers.

shit, even the norwegians that burned those churches down back in the day see the stupidity and futility in it now.
What the hell. Your supposed to do that on chirstmas eve. Disorganized rubbish.

But all joking aside, the christians used some pretty aggresive tactics to get those churches there in the firstplace.
Satanists are asses and this proves (SPELL IT FUCKING RIGHT!) it.

Rape, pillaging and bloody torture are all ok under the sign of the cross though, aren't they.

And this also proves that some satanists are asses. You infer that since one is they all must be? Dumb cunt.

They're going to hell

So is 95% of mankind in the history of the earth according to your fucking "good book"!

atleast and the christians that got burnt shall go to heaven :D.

One can only hope. I want them as far away as fucking possible!

Screw all Satanists that entire religion is overrated

So's yours dickweed.

and I know someone who wants to be one also!!!

Not ONLY did you construct a sentence out of two DIFFERENT sentences, but you did what christians do 90% of the time, infer that someone who is of a different religion is satanic. You shit eating cum sucking fuck.

I'm not happy about it, but I'm not unhappy. Though, they should find a more effective way of fighting back, something more intelligent. For example Ghandi threw over the british empire without fighting. Not that I'm comparing these black metal guys with Ghandi haha, but just a thought. There are definitely more effective ways to get your point across and make a difference.

The difference being that Gandhi used the people that helped keep the British Empire running (the Indians) against the British. Rot the system from the inside out. In order for Christianity to effectively end, the Christians must come to the light...of rationality. Non-christians (atheists, agnostics, whatever) can hand out literature and burn down churches all you want, but the battle has to be won first in the minds of the christians. as said earlier, shenanigans and tomfoolery will only give christian soldiers more reason to march. they need to change their thinking patterns, and the rest will follow.

there is, also, the economic factor. churches largely function on donation. if you hinder the donation process, the church goes into a downward spiral. same thing goes for priests. as time goes on, the catholics are running out of priests.
Rape, pillaging and bloody torture are all ok under the sign of the cross though, aren't they.

And this also proves that some satanists are asses. You infer that since one is they all must be? Dumb cunt.

So is 95% of mankind in the history of the earth according to your fucking "good book"!

One can only hope. I want them as far away as fucking possible!

So's yours dickweed.

Not ONLY did you construct a sentence out of two DIFFERENT sentences, but you did what christians do 90% of the time, infer that someone who is of a different religion is satanic. You shit eating cum sucking fuck.


why are you attempting to reason with somebody who is borderline mentally retarded?