another church burning

No. It should be the hypocrisy of the people who run the religion. Not the religion itself.

Yes the crusades were bullshit. The church has admitted that will everyone stop with the attacking of the church becuase of that.


Besides, it was the Catholic church. Dem Caths r crzy.
I'm going to analyze whats wrong with this statment.

First and foremost, I came from my mothers vagina.
I am about 70% Irish, 10% welsh, 10% scottish, 8% english and 2% German. Now that we clarified my family history, let it be said that I know exactly what families and clans I belong to.

Secondly, onto the part about caves. I brought in a visual aid:


As you can clearly see, I am far away from the caves.

Now, onto your wretched and terrible grammar. Do you remember in gradce two when they taught you about sentence structure? Obviously not. Heres what was wrong with your "sentence":

1) Never start a sentence with "and".
2) "Canada" is a proper noun and is therefore capitalized.
3) The "sentence" should have stopped at "you live in caves"... how the hell did you expect "Just for any case" to add to the sentence.
4) You forgot punctuation.

Fuck you,

Rabid Headbanger

PS. You are retarded.

A) well, since im greek i dont give a fuck about your language, try to learn greek to give some value to your life...
B)get a life.....................
D)well.....get a life............
A) Modern Greek is essentially useless unless you live in Greece.
B) You're the one trolling an internet message board.
C) ... is sufficient.
D) See B.
great a bunch of stones how amazing!!!!!did you think of it all by yourself???realy is was your 10% who build that right?? you must be proud....
great a bunch of stones how amazing!!!!!did you think of it all by yourself???realy is was your 10% who build that right?? you must be proud....

Your empire sure lasted long... faggot. Lets see. Owned by rome. Who got own by savages. Who all eventually got owned by england (The largest world empire in history)... etc.