another church burning


maybe if you weren't such a pussy America wouldn't pick on you so much.
bye bye kids, see you on the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well im greek so we werent involed with the crusades, the crusaders invade and enslaved us you moron, read some history.
well im greek so we werent involed with the crusades, the crusaders invade and enslaved us you moron, read some history.

But your a christian... which obviously makes you part of the crusades.

Oh wait... did you just acusse me of the crime you were doing a few posts ago. Saying that all americans are evil nazi skinheads?

But since your greek I guess it means you worship zeus. Cause if your greek that must be what you do.
If only America was fortunate to be the site of another church burning? :lol:

While its stupid, and a loss of good architecture... until "satanists", or sheepish black metal fans like these, start strapping bombs to their chests in an anti-christian protest... nothing to be too concerned about.
*bursts out in enormous laughter*

This place exploded quickly. It's amazing how something as quaint as religious beliefs turned all of us metalheads against each other. We're just like America now. :erk:

I was never being serious. But all the shit is getting annoying.
As a catholic I know the bible is not 100% true. Some of the stuff in there are stories to build wisdom. Sodom was never a real perosn(are at least I dont belive he was). Adam and Eve were never real or maybe not to the extent many think they were. Yes I think there a god but will people just stop with there great war on relgion and worry about more important things. Inverting a cross does nothing and buring a church will only cause more loyal members to a church. With all lies aside when has a preist fucked with any of you(no prevert jokes.) So will will al the fucking debating stop and will insomina keep his evangelist crap to the side.

lock this thread please.
I just mean stuff like people and civilizations and stuff that were mentioned in the Bible that maybe were not mentioned elsewhere. Not that lack of proof = disproof, but with that type of thing if there is never any discovery of evidence of them, then it leaves a questionmark on that part of the Bible. Just an unknown. So with that type of stuff, if something is then discovered, it adds credibility to the historical/geographical/whatever accuracy of the bible. So maybe I used the wrong term. It doesn't prove it, it just adds to its credibility. And to the contrary, discoveries that contradict what is written in the Bible take away credibility. That's all I mean.

That some of the persons, places and events in the bible were/are real is no proof of the divine inspiration of the bible. Look at it this way, my history book contains some accurate information about historical persons, places and events but that does not mean my history book is the divinely inspired word of God. The bible has however been shown to contradict itself and known facts of science and history in many places. This website is a good place to start though it is far from exhaustive and I do not vouche for the accuracy of every statement or argument...
That some of the persons, places and events in the bible were/are real is no proof of the divine inspiration of the bible. Look at it this way, my history book contains some accurate information about historical persons, places and events but that does not mean my history book is the divinely inspired word of God.

You're right, and I understand that. But the more reliable the Bible is in historcal, geographical, scientific, etc ways, the more credibility it takes on. The more credible it is in other ways, the more reassured I am in my faith. Now obviously faith has to do with the unprovable, so that is different. On the other hand (and probably more important to my faith) if you start digging up things that clearly show that the Bible is historically, geographically, scientifically wrong, then you (I) have a problem. So I didn't mean to imply historical accuracy = proof of everything in the Bible.

The bible has however been shown to contradict itself and known facts of science and history in many places. This website is a good place to start though it is far from exhaustive and I do not vouche for the accuracy of every statement or argument...

I started reading that site when you posted that before. So far the problem I have is that it seems to come at the whole issue assuming Christianity is false, and talking about how ridiculous it is. If Christianity were assumed true, the statements there would be ridiculous. But I have only read the intro and one other page, and I haven't got to too much "proof" yet.
You're right, and I understand that. But the more reliable the Bible is in historcal, geographical, scientific, etc ways, the more credibility it takes on. The more credible it is in other ways, the more reassured I am in my faith. Now obviously faith has to do with the unprovable, so that is different. On the other hand (and probably more important to my faith) if you start digging up things that clearly show that the Bible is historically, geographically, scientifically wrong, then you (I) have a problem. So I didn't mean to imply historical accuracy = proof of everything in the Bible.

I started reading that site when you posted that before. So far the problem I have is that it seems to come at the whole issue assuming Christianity is false, and talking about how ridiculous it is. If Christianity were assumed true, the statements there would be ridiculous. But I have only read the intro and one other page, and I haven't got to too much "proof" yet.

The intro page is just a statement of purpose really. They sort of sum up the whole point at the end here:
"How then are we to evaluate the many claims of fundamentalist Christianity?
Is the mystery of the universe really compacted and accurately represented in a small set of exclusive writings called the Holy Bible and the religion called Christianity? Do Christian clerics and professional apologists really have a superior knowledge of all things spiritual? Do they have a monopoly on "truth" and do they have a superior belief system?
The answer the these questions rests in only one place.
It rests inside You. Only you can determine if this religion is valid and accurately represents the universe and all its aspects.
This site is dedicated to those who dare to question and investigate for themselves what resonates with their mind and soul".
And from they get into the gory details.