another church burning

No where in christianity is said that earth is 6000 years old, even in the book of Genesis, the 7 days for the creation is symbolic, Adam and Eve never existed literally, its custom in the eastern cultures of that time to see behind the picture the theological teachings...
Science is defined as “the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.” Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a greater understanding of the natural universe. It is a search for knowledge through observation and guesswork. Advances in science demonstrate the reach of human logic and imagination. However, a Christian’s belief in science should never be like our belief in God. A Christian can have faith in God and respect for science, as long as we remember which is perfect, and which is not. Still, the most rational scientists, even those who refuse to believe in God, admit to a lack of completeness in our understanding of the universe. They will admit that neither God nor the Bible can be proved or disproved by science, just as many of their favorite theories ultimately cannot be proved or disproved. Science is meant to be a truly neutral discipline, seeking only the truth, not proof of an agenda. And God has always intended us to come to Him through faith, not through logic.

Well, I think people who have attempted to "add it up" based on the timeline in the Bible including a literal 7 day creation come up with between 6,000 and 10,000 years. As far as I know the Bible never does make any explicit statements on the age of the Earth.

But it surprises me, Insomnia85, that you state explicitly that the 7 days and Adam and Eve is not literal, and then go on to talk about faith. I mean, if God is all powerful, why couldn't he have made the world in 7 days? Why couldn't Adam and Eve be literal? You say that, then go on to say that nothing can be proven, then you make claims as if there is no doubt.

1+1 =/= what you're saying
But it surprises me, Insomnia85, that you state explicitly that the 7 days and Adam and Eve is not literal, and then go on to talk about faith. I mean, if God is all powerful, why couldn't he have made the world in 7 days? Why couldn't Adam and Eve be literal? You say that, then go on to say that nothing can be proven, then you make claims as if there is no doubt.

1+1 =/= what you're saying

as i said man, you have to see behind the picture, these kind of "problems" where solved with theological statements by many Fathers of the eastern church. those 7 days of creation, cannot be stated as "days" because yo cannot add God in time and space. its shows how powerfull He is creating the world, that those 7 000 000 years the scientists say it took are like days or minutes or even seconds to God...
But it surprises me, Insomnia85, that you state explicitly that the 7 days and Adam and Eve is not literal, and then go on to talk about faith. I mean, if God is all powerful, why couldn't he have made the world in 7 days? Why couldn't Adam and Eve be literal? You say that, then go on to say that nothing can be proven, then you make claims as if there is no doubt.

1+1 =/= what you're saying

as i said you have to see behind the picture man, there is no way the universe was created in 7 days because God cannot be added in time and space, those 7 000 000 years that realy took for the creation, could be seconds or days for God or nothing concerning time which is a part of creation... these kind of problems were solved a long time ago in the eastern thelogy from the 3rd century
What confounds me is that we base most of our views of God on the Psalms. People "know" that they are all songs written by a Jewish king, but they do not "realize" the song nature of them. Jewish people included concrete imagery in their native tunes because that's the way they thought, but now people skew them to define the mostly transcendent nature of a deity called "God". Why? When a songwriter writes lyrics such as "you're the air I breathe", do they literally mean that the subject of the song (usually a person) is inherent in the O2 that they inhale? No; it is a metaphorical expression of their love and dependence on that person to make them feel "alive". If we understand this, then why do we change our minds regarding the Psalms?

Please discuss.

I guess I disagree that the Psalms are the only source of "information" on which people base their view of God. I try to take my view from the sum of all the books of the Bible, old and new testaments. On what it says God did, what he says, his opinion on things, and stuff like that. It's not an easy task, and anyone who thinks they fully understand God (even just based on the Bible) is wrong.
If God is all powerful, why did it take him ANY amount of time at all to create the world?

insomnia, don't try to speak for all Christians. You call people who take the Bible literally naive, but what makes you so positive that there was not an Adam or an Eve? Can you prove that?

adam and eve represent the whole human creation, the conflict between them and God and there exhile from heaven is symbolic for the human rupture with God

sorry for the spam my computer is fucked up
as i said you have to see behind the picture man, there is no way the universe was created in 7 days because God cannot be added in time and space, those 7 000 000 years that realy took for the creation, could be seconds or days for God or nothing concerning time which is a part of creation... these kind of problems were solved a long time ago in the eastern thelogy from the 3rd century

No way? So you understand how a being can be outside of time and space? You got it? You understand how a being outside of time and space interacts with beings within time and space?

You understand God? His ways are not above your ways?
No way? So you understand how a being can be outside of time and space? You got it? You understand how a being outside of time and space interacts with beings within time and space?

You understand God? His ways are not above your ways?

This where faith plays its part... We cannot understand instantly beyond time and space ofcourse not... Does God exist? I find it interesting that so much attention is given to this debate. The latest surveys tell us that over 90% of people in the world today believe in the existence of God or some higher power. Yet, somehow the responsibility is placed on those who believe God does exist to somehow prove that He really does exist. To me, I think it should be the other way around.
However, the existence of God cannot be proven or disproved. The Bible even says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). If God so desired, He could simply appear and prove to the whole world that He exists. But if He did that, there would be no need for faith. "Then Jesus told him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed'” (John 20:29).
That does not mean, however, that there is not evidence of God’s existence. The Bible declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world” (Psalm 19:1-4). Looking at the stars, understanding the vastness of the universe, observing the wonders of nature, seeing the beauty of a sunset – all of these things point to a Creator God. If these were not enough, there is also evidence of God in our own hearts. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, “…He has also set eternity in the hearts of men…” There is something deep down in our beings that recognizes that there is something beyond this life and someone beyond this world. We can deny this knowledge intellectually, but God’s presence in us and through us is still there. Despite all of this, the Bible warns us that some will still deny God’s existence, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 14:1). Since over 98% of people throughout history, in all cultures, in all civilizations, on all continents believe in the existence of some kind of God – there must be something (or someone) causing this belief.
Pisses Me Off
Chris Caffery
Daytime Pisses Me Off, it starts me off on a wrong foot rate
And nighttime Pisses Me Off, it puts me back to the fucking place
And the face that Pisses Me Off, she leaves a sour after taste
You see my life Pisses Me Off, I'm lucking sick of the human race
It's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me

Everythung Pisses Me Off, from your cue ball head to the Grateful Dead
And the rap star Pisses Me Off, they bitch and moan. BNG! Bang! You're dead
And the TV Pisses Me Off, reality is a joke to me
'Cuz my life Pisses Me Off, a complete disgrace this human race

It's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me

Oh, it's hard to survive. And nothing's gonna help ya
Please, I beg to survive. But nothing's gonna help me

The computer Pisses Me Off, it rules my life this cyber wife
The e-mail Pisses Me Off, the faceless shit cuts like a knife
Starbucks Pisses Me Off, 5 bucks a cup, what the fuck is up?
'Cuz my life Pisses Me Off, I'm just a pawn in the human race

It's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me

The terrorist Pisses Me Off, with his fucking heard the kind of the weird
And the war it Pisses Me Off, the prices rise, the market fries
Bui the protests pisses me off Pisses Me Off, you raise your sign and fucking whine
This life it Pisses Me Off, a compluckin' disgrace this human race

It's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me

Oh, it's hard to survive, And nothing's gonna help ya
Please, I beg to survive. But nothing's gonna help me now

Here's the war, raise the sign
Little pussy don't like it
Freedom of speech, not a crime.
Many lives were lost to get here
Land of the free, home of the brave
You will send us to our graves in time...

This life Pisses Me Off!!! This life Pisses Me Off!!! This life Pisses Me Off!!!
This life Pisses Me Off!!! This life Pisses Me Off!!!

My life Pisses Me Off, it may be lime to up and run
But running Pisses Me Off, I'd rather slay and have some fun
Because my life Pisses Me Off, it feeds my anger happily
'Cuz happiness Pisses Me Off, wipe your smile off your face fucking human race
It's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me, it's killing me
Does your life Piss You Off? Does your life Piss You Off?
Does your life Piss You Off? My life Pisses Me Off!!!
Hey man who says im from the U.S.A. to represent the world with your country? only u do that. Besides, the roman catholic church, the protestands, mormons, and so on, in your countries are so fucked up giving the people the idea that if they dont keep up with the strict "God" rules will be burned in the fires of hell, well, theres more than that, thats why in eastern cultures we dont see God as a punisher like the west and thats why my friend i dont give up faith even though i screw around all the time and i know its wrong (and its not hyprocrisy because i know its wrong) i measure things most of the time through Him. I do not audibly hear Him speaking back to me, but I sense His presence, I feel His leading, I know His love, I desire His grace. Things have occurred in my life that have no other possible explanation other than God. God has so miraculously saved me and changed my life that I cannot help but to acknowledge and praise His existence.
hey man, did i called u anything? i mean sure you are tough through the net on the other side of the world. respect the others opinions ok? seems all you americans dont have anything better to do than fight, maybe if i called u idiot u would bombed me right?
typical americans= dont allow anyone to express opinion or belies, eat from the rest of the world's tit, being an ass.