another church burning

Jesus Saves (SLAYER!!!)

You go to the church, you kiss the cross
You will be saved at any cost
You have your own reality, Christianity
You spend your life just kissing ass
A trait that's grown as time has passed
You think the world will end today
You praise the Lord, it's all you say

Jesus saves, listen to you pray
You think you'll see the pearly gates
When death takes you away

For all respect you cannot lust
In an invisible man you place your trust
Indirect dependency
Eternal attempt at amnesty
He will decide who lives and dies
Depopulate Satana's rise
You will be an accessory
Irreverence and blasphemy

Jesus saves, no need to pray
The gates of pearl have turned to gold
It seems you've lost your way

Jesus saves, no words of praise
No promised land to take you to
There is no other way

yessssssss, fucking slllllllllllllllayyer :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Diecide - Death To Jesus

Calvary's son what have you done, Nothing but hang on a cross, Nazarene beaten to death, What is sin, your lord did you in... Putting your ass out to dry...
Just a pawn sentenced to die...
Revelation compromise, kill the world another time, In the name of God you hide, all behold the crucified...
Heaven's dissention, the light of the dead,
Absent as always, the crucifixtion,
What's in his name that you want us all dead,
Why do you question the voice in your head?
Reverence sours despising the meek, Biblical power, Descend into dream, Cast to the darkness contentious stay, Mourning forever his name you will pray...
Mutilation, Left to Satan,
Killed to save us, Death to Jesus
Under the sun, drained of belief, screaming at God to be dead, Dominus onward ascend, Fall from grace through the hands of the lord, Judas is hanging betrayed and ignored, Fuck the Christ, Who will save, Retro Send, Arbitrating the soul, Come again and relive it you know, Crucified when you arrive, Rendered unconscious, Confined to the cross, Caught in the act of the end of us all,
Powerless again you die...
For the Father you despise, Bare the burden of his Sign, Holy tomb of emptiness, Suffocate inside your shrine...
Recitation, Salutation
God defeated, Death to Jesus

Revelation compromise, Kill the world another time
In the name of God you die...
Death to Jesus, Crucified
I like that song by Deicide, though I thought he was saying Fuck you Jesus at first.:lol:

French 'Black Metal' Youths Confess To Attacks On Christian Sites - June 25, 2007

Three youths between the ages of 21 and 22 have confessed to series of attacks on Christian sites in Brittany in northwest France, according to Yahoo! France. The suspects, who belong to a shadowy anti-religious group with links to heavy metal music, denied having commited the acts as part of a satanic ritual and claimed to have carried out the attacks as a way to protest "the excessive power of Christianity and the abolition of pagan worship."

The suspects were taken into custody Thursday morning (June 21) and were placed under arrest over the weekend. They claimed to have acted alone, or with accomplices, in the desecration of eight Christian sites since the beginning of May, before burning down the 16th-century Chapel of the Cross (slideshow) at Loqueffret near the remote tip of Brittany (France) the night of June 15-16.

Members of the group, which calls itself "True Armorik Black Metal", or TABM, described themselves as "extremist and anti-ecclesiastical" in a letter sent to local newspaper the Telegramme, which published excerpts on Thursday.

"We are going to strike again, again and again," warned the letter, in which the group's acronym was scrawled in blood-red letters over the image of an inverted Christian cross.

A total of seven people were detained last Thursday and four were eventually released after being questioned by the police.

45 investigators worked on the case, which drew international attention.

French 'Black Metal' Youths Confess To Attacks On Christian Sites - June 25, 2007

Three youths between the ages of 21 and 22 have confessed to series of attacks on Christian sites in Brittany in northwest France, according to Yahoo! France. The suspects, who belong to a shadowy anti-religious group with links to heavy metal music, denied having commited the acts as part of a satanic ritual and claimed to have carried out the attacks as a way to protest "the excessive power of Christianity and the abolition of pagan worship."

The suspects were taken into custody Thursday morning (June 21) and were placed under arrest over the weekend. They claimed to have acted alone, or with accomplices, in the desecration of eight Christian sites since the beginning of May, before burning down the 16th-century Chapel of the Cross (slideshow) at Loqueffret near the remote tip of Brittany (France) the night of June 15-16.

Members of the group, which calls itself "True Armorik Black Metal", or TABM, described themselves as "extremist and anti-ecclesiastical" in a letter sent to local newspaper the Telegramme, which published excerpts on Thursday.

"We are going to strike again, again and again," warned the letter, in which the group's acronym was scrawled in blood-red letters over the image of an inverted Christian cross.

A total of seven people were detained last Thursday and four were eventually released after being questioned by the police.

45 investigators worked on the case, which drew international attention.

Give them jail. Ironic I am listing to mayhem now.
It's true... they all have conflicting doctrine. That means atleast half of them are wrong by default. And that all of them are wrong anyways.