another church burning

Which hasn't happened yet, so don't get your hopes up.

You cant be more right.

Face it. Burning something so close to the heart of a christain. There really is nothing that a bunch of 15-32 year old black metal fans can do. FACE IT AND STOP THE BITCHING ABOUT IT.
δοξα τω θεώ πάμεν καλά... ο θεός να σας ελεήσει κοπέλια

You're a disgrace to your Hellenic ancestors if you do indeed hail from Greece.
I said they were bored teenagers. I wasn't too far off, them being 21 and 22.

People like that are the true problem. Be a man and live and let live. I can guarantee you that these idiots will grow up and realize what they did was the epitome of stupid. And for all of you wanting to burn down more churches, quit being pussies and do it. Flaming vaginas is what you are. All bark, no bite.
I said they were bored teenagers. I wasn't too far off, them being 21 and 22.

People like that are the true problem. Be a man and live and let live. I can guarantee you that these idiots will grow up and realize what they did was the epitome of stupid. And for all of you wanting to burn down more churches, quit being pussies and do it. Flaming vaginas is what you are. All bark, no bite.

Which hasn't happened yet, so don't get your hopes up.

Actually it has been happening for the last 400 years. The advance in knowledge of the sciences, history, archaeology, paleontology, antrhopology, comparative religion, and higher criticism have severely weakened the power and influence of the church and have exposed many of the flaws in the bible and christianity to millions of people. So while it hasn't killed Christianity it is slowly doing so.
Actually it has been happening for the last 400 years. The advance in knowledge of the sciences, history, archaeology, paleontology, antrhopology, comparative religion, and higher criticism have severely weakened the power and influence of the church and have exposed many of the flaws in the bible and christianity to millions of people. So while it hasn't killed Christianity it is slowly doing so.

Actually I have heard the opposite, that the more that is discovered in the world, the more the Bible is proven to be correct. Like, what are some examples of discoveries that have shown the Bible to be flawed?
Actually I have heard the opposite, that the more that is discovered in the world, the more the Bible is proven to be correct. Like, what are some examples of discoveries that have shown the Bible to be flawed?

That evolution is true?

Which one of noahs kids had polio? Herpes? which one was black... asian?
What the fuck are you talking about? What in the Bible, outside of mere regurgitation of historical accounts, has ever been 'proven?'

Oh, and the Earth is 6,000 years old.

I just mean stuff like people and civilizations and stuff that were mentioned in the Bible that maybe were not mentioned elsewhere. Not that lack of proof = disproof, but with that type of thing if there is never any discovery of evidence of them, then it leaves a questionmark on that part of the Bible. Just an unknown. So with that type of stuff, if something is then discovered, it adds credibility to the historical/geographical/whatever accuracy of the bible. So maybe I used the wrong term. It doesn't prove it, it just adds to its credibility. And to the contrary, discoveries that contradict what is written in the Bible take away credibility. That's all I mean.
The Bible is a mostly mythological account of the Jewish struggle in the early days of their civilization. Objectively, it is similar to the Qu'Ran and the Finnish Kalevala in that it provides a creation myth and the story of the people of the writers. The only reason it has become such a widely embraced book of "truth" is because it has the most accessible and easy-to-live-by message and allows people to live in relative comfort while still feeling like they are submitting to an all-powerful being.

What confounds me is that we base most of our views of God on the Psalms. People "know" that they are all songs written by a Jewish king, but they do not "realize" the song nature of them. Jewish people included concrete imagery in their native tunes because that's the way they thought, but now people skew them to define the mostly transcendent nature of a deity called "God". Why? When a songwriter writes lyrics such as "you're the air I breathe", do they literally mean that the subject of the song (usually a person) is inherent in the O2 that they inhale? No; it is a metaphorical expression of their love and dependence on that person to make them feel "alive". If we understand this, then why do we change our minds regarding the Psalms?

Please discuss.
What the fuck are you talking about? What in the Bible, outside of mere regurgitation of historical accounts, has ever been 'proven?'

Oh, and the Earth is 6,000 years old.

No where in christianity is said that earth is 6000 years old, even in the book of Genesis, the 7 days for the creation is symbolic, Adam and Eve never existed literally, its custom in the eastern cultures of that time to see behind the picture the theological teachings...
Science is defined as “the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.” Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a greater understanding of the natural universe. It is a search for knowledge through observation and guesswork. Advances in science demonstrate the reach of human logic and imagination. However, a Christian’s belief in science should never be like our belief in God. A Christian can have faith in God and respect for science, as long as we remember which is perfect, and which is not. Still, the most rational scientists, even those who refuse to believe in God, admit to a lack of completeness in our understanding of the universe. They will admit that neither God nor the Bible can be proved or disproved by science, just as many of their favorite theories ultimately cannot be proved or disproved. Science is meant to be a truly neutral discipline, seeking only the truth, not proof of an agenda. And God has always intended us to come to Him through faith, not through logic.

p.s. im not "starting" a fight again, its a free world and like you say your opinions wherever you like so can anyone. the end.
And many people DO take the Bible literally, DO believe that the world is 6000 years old, DO believe that Adam and Eve existed, and DO believe that man walked with the dinosaurs during that time.[/QUOTE]

the people who realy believe in these stuff are just naive and because they tae them literally thats the reason they cant see the true christian meanings behind the pictures... thats why even Christ theached with parables, to help them understad... also, in the western theology, they mostly disaproved scientific theories and facts and called it sorcery... that had nothing to do with the east where a great man,John Chrysostomos said "dont think that God has hands and He used them with clay to make man, and dont think He has a mouth to exhale life in humans like the book of genesis, its symbolic" John Chrysostomos is considered a saint in the eastern church and lived in the 3rd century, he studied philosophy and medicine and also other sciences like many other saints of the eastern church..
That evolution is true?

Which one of noahs kids had polio? Herpes? which one was black... asian?

The Bible does not explicitly give us the origin of the different "races" or skin colors of humanity. In actuality, there is only one race - the human race. Within the human race is a great amount of diversity in skin color and other physical characteristics. Some speculate that when God confused the languages at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), He also instituted racial diversity. It is possible that God made genetic changes to humanity to better enable people to survive in different ecologies, such as Africans being better "equipped" genetically to survive the excessive heat in Africa. According to this view, God confused the languages, causing humanity to segregate linguistically, and then created genetic racial differences based on where each racial group would eventually settle, geographically. While possible, there is no explicit Biblical basis for this view. The races / skin color of humanity are nowhere mentioned in connection with the Tower of Babel.
That evolution is true?

Which one of noahs kids had polio? Herpes? which one was black... asian?

The Bible does not explicitly give us the origin of the different "races" or skin colors of humanity. In actuality, there is only one race - the human race. Within the human race is a great amount of diversity in skin color and other physical characteristics. Some speculate that when God confused the languages at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), He also instituted racial diversity. It is possible that God made genetic changes to humanity to better enable people to survive in different ecologies, such as Africans being better "equipped" genetically to survive the excessive heat in Africa. According to this view, God confused the languages, causing humanity to segregate linguistically, and then created genetic racial differences based on where each racial group would eventually settle, geographically. While possible, there is no explicit Biblical basis for this view.