another church burning

yes theres is about adultery and drunkeness and i know its wrong... come on you guys a little respect here, chill out, peace? i have my beliefs and you have yours, i otally respect that, lets no get out of hand here ok? and i dont think i distance my self from metal, i mostly listen to prog this is probably the reason.

You just spend your life worrying about what happens when you die. Try to make baby Jesus happy by not masturbating.

I, on the other hand, will wank three times a day, till my eyes bulge.

Like God cares. Idiot. Grow. Up.
yes theres is about adultery and drunkeness and i know its wrong... come on you guys a little respect here, chill out, peace? i have my beliefs and you have yours, i otally respect that, lets no get out of hand here ok? and i dont think i distance my self from metal, i mostly listen to prog this is probably the reason.

Yeah... but I FOLLOW my beliefs you hypocritical cocksucker.

You decided to pick the fight here. Don't surrender just because your outnumbered you spineless pussy.
wherever man, i hope you are all happy about you and life and thats what matters. sorry about everything. peace!!!!!!!
wherever man, i hope you are all happy about you and life and thats what matters. sorry about everything. peace!!!!!!!

Fuck... like EVERY other christian he pulls out when his ass gets schooled, pulls the "beliefs tolerance card" and then says that our beliefs are good and were all welcome to change are minds.

wherever man, i hope you are all happy about you and life and thats what matters. sorry about everything. peace!!!!!!!

What kind of argument was that to start? Post a crappy photo, talk some shit, then when your beliefs are questioned run away and hide under a tree?


Seriously though, I wish you no ill will. I hope you're happy in your life.
I just know you'd be happier if you had a wank now and again. :loco:
Who's pissed off? YOU came in aggressive and started an argument. We all wank ten times a day and as a result are happy adjusted "kids".
What's your problem? Why do you need to be so hurtful to a bunch of innocent wankers?