Another Classics Petition - Please Sign


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
The University of Pittsburgh has unilaterally decided to suspend its Classics graduate program.
How they went about making this decision is almost as reprehensible as the prospect of denying a classical education to future generations of students. Please take 10 seconds of your time to sign this. This is something that means a lot to me and I would deeply appreciate it.

Over the past four years I witnessed my own Classics program at UMaine wither and die as a result of funding cuts and program suspensions. It pains me to see this happening elsewhere, too.
Regardless, many great volumes will be unnoticed or not well addressed without a proper course. I agree with Zeph, this is atrocious. I signed immediately.
It would be different if this decision was made after negotiations and deliberations from all parties involved. Instead it was made arbitrarily by the administration.