Another clip


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
For those of you who have been following my threads for the past few months I was asked by the band to make a short clip of one of the tracks I recorded for them, it's still only got scratch keys but I'm really happy with the way it turned out. The mix was done in just over an hour this morning with no editing. Let me know what you guys think.

Ghost within the shell - Clip

There's a few glitches at the start and end of the clip that occured during mixdown but since it was just needed for their site to show off a pre-mix track I didn't see a point in messing around fixing them.
Overall it sounds good to me the vocals in particular sit well in the mix. However theres some kind of bass fill that kicks in around 70% into the clip that really pops out too much, don't know if its cos its a "bad" fill or just the sound but it leaps out to me and kind of spoils it. The keys sound OK to me.
hey Razorjack...

well, that's pretty good for about an hour!! It sounds like something's missing though...and I really can't place my finger on it.

I do think the vocals are maybe a little too loud...(they sound very on top of everything...) But, the vocals overall sound really good!
daemon097 said:
hey Razorjack...

well, that's pretty good for about an hour!! It sounds like something's missing though...and I really can't place my finger on it.

I do think the vocals are maybe a little too loud...(they sound very on top of everything...) But, the vocals overall sound really good!

The O/H's are down a bit, the vox are a little loud and the keys are not wide enough in the stereo field. That could be a few of the things that are missing to your ears.

I've just got a chance to reference the track on the house stereo system (B&W Speakers, very nice) and found that the vox sound even louder than on my monitors (Yamaha MSP5), I'm going to have to some secondary reference monitors in my room anyone got any recommendations?
Razorjack said:
I've just got a chance to reference the track on the house stereo system (B&W Speakers, very nice) and found that the vox sound even louder than on my monitors (Yamaha MSP5), I'm going to have to some secondary reference monitors in my room anyone got any recommendations?

How do you like those MSP5's??? I have a Pair of MSP10's And havent used em much - I use maily the NS10's - I know there not for everyone I'm just really used to em.
Razorjack said:
I'm going to have to some secondary reference monitors in my room anyone got any recommendations?

I'm using cheap crappy Hi-Fi monitors on which I check things from time to time (Akai), and some even cheaper 5W AudioSonic monitors (must have paid 5 euros for them). I can't hear all the details I get from the Mackie (thank god) but this is a cheap solution to get an alternative listening setup, especially useful to check the vox.
John Haddad (Shiva Industries) said:
How do you like those MSP5's??? I have a Pair of MSP10's And havent used em much - I use maily the NS10's - I know there not for everyone I'm just really used to em.

I've had the MSP5's for just over 2yrs now and they are very useful, although I'm looking at upgrading to a pair of Genelec 1030's or Mackie HR824's.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
genelec stuff seems to be a point of contention, some people love em, some hate em.

best to try it first i think.

I love the 1030's, but I've only ever tracked with them not mixed so I intend to borrow some from a local rental place before I buy.
Razorjack said:
Here's the full version of the track in highest quality MP3, with a few tweaks made, Let me know what you think.

Ghost in the shell - Full version

I think the source tracks sound great. Mix-wise, the vocals are too loud and up front (perhaps try Waves Doubler or something on it, really subtle but give the vocals some stereo width), and the overall mix needs more reverb, as it sounds kind of dry and sterile. I pulled this up in DP and threw some UAD-1 Plate 140 on the master fader really lightly and it sounded really great (especially in the intro), and it holds up pretty well sonically against Evanescence (who I compared it with.)
I'm a bit shy on the 'verb as the plug-ins I have are not great (I only like the waves verbs on drums), I'm interested in any suggestions you have for 'verb plugs (I'm on a laptop so UAD-1 is a no go or else I'd have one already!!). I agree about the vox, it's something that my monitors (Yamaha MSP5) are covering up and I only get to hear the problems when I listen on some other speakers (I'm still in the market for a second pair of monitors).
If CPU power is not an issue for you, try Ambience, a great sounding "freeware" (You are free to decide yourself how much you want to pay for it, and when) reverb plugin (but very CPU hungry) :

I definitely agree about the vox being too loud and maybe too dry. Also, considering the style of music, the kick sounds a bit thin to me, would probably fit better with a (slightly) less clicky more punchy type of sound, but that's completely subjective.

Good work overall, the song is cool !
I'd have to first of all say: great work on the music, sounds really good and clean, tho i will agree with everyone else in saying that the vox are too loud. Also, are there 2 vox tracks being used there? If so, id drop one of the tracks and just use one, it doesn't seem to sound right the way it is. I'd also agree on the guitars being turned up VERY slightly.
Sounding damn fine for a quick mix though.. rock on \m/