The 11th Billion "Listen to my clip" Thread


Feb 24, 2002
El Paso, TX USA
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I know I don't post much here, but I figure...if I don't have anything constructive to say, or add, I'll try to be smart and keep my mouth shut.

There are many people on this board with tons of knowledge, and I'm really glad I come here almost every day to learn from you guys...:worship:

Here's a clip I did this morning (it's very short), a thing I'm working on...this is a very rough demo...I know the playing is bad, but could you guys give me some opinions on the sounds, mix, etc...

I know the snare is not as full as I want it to be...I'll mix another snare sound with the one there to...will play with all that later...this is just the demo to work out the song and melodies, and any tips or ideas on sounds and mix would be greatly appreciated.:D

Can you upload it to Just select the file and click "upload", you don't have to put any information in the blanks, then post the link here. Putfile kinda sucks.

Mutch better. me, the drums are all mixed oddly. The kick drum seems to leave something to be desired. Maybe if you turn it up a bit, and turn the snare down a tad it will even things out. Thats the first thing that struck me with this clip is that the snare is loud. The kick is too low compared to the overheads and snare.

Very nice melodies, btw. Brings me back to the 80's with a smile :)
