- Dec 20, 2005
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Zealotry said:Wow... You're either totally delusional, or conveniently forgetting a lot of things.
You nailed it!
Zealotry said:Wow... You're either totally delusional, or conveniently forgetting a lot of things.
Despite all the fulminating about rap here the thesis of this passage is clear: rap is for blacks and metal is for whites, all blacks are rappers and all whites are metallers, and if you are black you are almost certainly going to bring the rap contagion into my pure, lily-white world, so “you can get out of my pool.” I find the use of the word "pool" to be most revealing here. This is because efforts to desegregate swimming pools were common during the Civil Rights era, and whites (North and South) regarded the mingling of black and white bodies in such an intimate manner to be the most repugnant effects of black attempts to create a society based on equal rights and social justice and became sites of massive resistance--with all the violence and dehumanization that the strategy entailed.
Rap grew out of the funk sounds of the 60’s and 70’s, and is a reflection of the culture of the black urban environment it grew out of. It was spawned in dance halls, clubs, and house parties, becoming a coherent sound through the age of mass media and carried through because there is no shortage of young performers weaned on the sound.
Metal grew up at the same time, but reflects a very different culture. Really, the popular culture of the 70’s and 80’s. Specifically, the suburban culture so many of us grew up in. Metal comes out of a world of Saturday morning cartoons, Thor comics, horror novels, monster movies, Conan, Godzilla, and posters by Frank Frazetta. Metal is a part of who we are. Metal – and don’t take this the wrong way – makes me proud to be a white guy. Look at where metal is biggest: the US, Canada, Europe, and Japan – the whitest places on earth. (And if you don’t think the Japanese are white, you should hear their honky pop music – you won’t hear any rap on Tokyo radio.)
This is just fucking retarded. If you think for one moment that Latin America has no sense of honor or history and has to turn to Europe for inspiration, then your thoughts are just goddamn ignorant pieces of shit that need to be scraped off a shoe and flushed down the toilet. The natural lesson to be drawn from the equivocating above is that metal is strong in Latin America (the more the better, because I think that this region of the world holds the future of metal in its hands in some ways), so Sargon has to make them honorary Europeans in a derogatory fashion by intimating that the people on this region are only emulating and aping European culture.
So I'd like to know exactly how much hip hop you silly crackas have listened to that gives you the right to make such enlightened statements.Hyperborean Exile already laid out the reasons why many Black youth are not drawn to metal but we might as well contrast that with why so many White youth are drawn to Hip-Hop. Regardless of its musical value that genre is placated far more by the entertainment industry and survives more on personality than craft, which is naturally ephemeral due to the nature of slang, “Street culture” and the marketability of both. Is it unthinkable or ghastly that Whites could genuinely enjoy this music, no? But adopting culturally black idioms and identities is something that not a few people find to be risible. Where this comes into conflict with metal and what both you and Zealotry have failed to grasp (and the latter explicitly denied) is that metal is both visually and lyrically romanticist in nature and Rap is not. And neither is Emo. And neither is Hardcore.
DBB said:Id be interested to read how you think the white conception of honor differs from black, yellow, red, brown and purple conceptions.
I imagine that it would put you in quite the bind, and you will ignore the question or make crass generalizations about Japanese culture (face and a network of social relations, suuuuuure, and medieval notions of chivalry or the martial culture of the Junker class had nothing to do with hierarchical social webs or ritualistic observances...for fucks sake)
Im not inserting myself into this debate.
and he will confront facts and evidence
worthless and only good for generating convoluted threads designed to make someone appear to be contradicting themselves--not very honorable at all.
Indeed. You only have to glance between the lines--not read--to walk away this impression. Ive read the editorial in its entirety, and the style, transitions and prose is so muddled and mangled that the paragraph Jim quoted could be construed to not be the main point
Despite all the fulminating about rap here the thesis of this passage is clear: rap is for blacks and metal is for whites, all blacks are rappers and all whites are metallers,
and if you are black you are almost certainly going to bring the rap contagion into my pure, lily-white world, so you can get out of my pool. I find the use of the word "pool" to be most revealing here. This is because efforts to desegregate swimming pools were common during the Civil Rights era,
This is just fucking retarded. If you think for one moment that Latin America has no sense of honor or history and has to turn to Europe for inspiration, then your thoughts are just goddamn ignorant pieces of shit that need to be scraped off a shoe and flushed down the toilet.
The natural lesson to be drawn from the equivocating above is that metal is strong in Latin America (the more the better, because I think that this region of the world holds the future of metal in its hands in some ways), so Sargon has to make them honorary Europeans in a derogatory fashion by intimating that the people on this region are only emulating and aping European culture.
Reminds me of Hitler making the Japanese people honorary Aryans (the Japanese were no slouches when it came to ideas about racial superiority during WWII though).
Judas Priest venerates the honor and honesty of whites:
Pete Haworth of Legend talks about the bands lyrics
So I'd like to know exactly how much hip hop you silly crackas have listened to that gives you the right to make such enlightened statements.
The entertainment industry is just as loath to deal with literate underground rap as it is literate underground metal.
I meant in a meaningful fashion, you know the drill, where we parse each others posts at length and talk past one another for the most part. I will have quite a bit to say about these issues in a few months and you can show up and declare it to be "masturbatory" nonsense and spend hours over the course of many days telling us all why metal is "white," "Indo-European" or whatever other haughty horseshit you want to graft onto it then because the article is such a waste of time and electronic ink.Of course you are, if you weren't, this post wouldn't exist.
So let's just admit it metal is white,
This is no less true of metal, or any other form of modern music, than it is of rap.Fando said:Furthermore, even as a primarily lyrical genre it’s always favored style over content so “literacy” has little bearing here.
DBB said:I meant in a meaningful fashion, you know the drill, where we parse each others posts at length and talk past one another for the most part. I will have quite a bit to say about these issues in a few months and you can show up and declare it to be "masturbatory" nonsense and spend hours over the course of many days telling us all why metal is "white," "Indo-European" or whatever other haughty horseshit you want to graft onto it then because the article is such a waste of time and electronic ink.Unfortunately, I really don't have the time right now for anything beyond one lengthy post and a coda.
I will leave you with this nugget: to say that one of the main purposes of that convoluted shit stream of consciousness article is about anything other than proving the sterling, shining whiteness of metal is devious.
Zealotry said:This is no less true of metal, or any other form of modern music, than it is of rap.
Now there's a bunch of self-righteous horseshit, if I've ever heard it.Hyperborean Exile said:Yes and no. Obviously, the mainstream within any form will tend to represent its most simplified expression, but "literacy" with music goes far beyond lyrical content. Iron Maiden, let alone something like Atheist or Burzum, demands far greater conceptual and musical literacy than any rap artist.
Zealotry said:Now there's a bunch of self-righteous horseshit, if I've ever heard it.
Occam's Razor said:you compare totally opposite things here to find arguments for putting one below the other to satisfy your metal-is-white-pride ideas.
Jim LotFP said:Heavy metal is popular in Japan, to what degree I'm not sure.
Are there any heavy metal bands formed by non-Japanese in Japan?
Heavy metal is popular in at least certain areas, Mexico and southward. Is heavy metal, music of the whities, going to be found in any great concentration in the American or European communities in this area? Are there any heavy metal bands formed by non-hispanics here?
There is strong racial identity in both the Japanese and Latin American communities. They are not going to be into metal because of a strong "white" or "European" focus.
And did I miss a post, or did nobody catch that the initial editorial implied that Melechesh, a band formed in Israel, played heavy metal because "white Europeans" have been fascinated with Middle-Eastern mythology for a century?
Now, from personal observation and just throwing some thoughts together, minorities in any culture will come together to "preserve" their identity. It is the majority culture that loses its sense of self and individuals don't feel held back by their history or the need to relate to it. Heavy metal is a counter-cultural movement, which is why members of dominant culture will disproportionately participate and also why members of cultural-preservationists, white power types and such, would also gravitate towards it. The revolutionaries are sick of the status quo social order, and the preservationists are sick of the "alien" influences ruining that social order and see little of that in the counter-culture.
It also means the cultural preservationists are missing the entire point of the counter-culture movement in the first place!![]()
Hyperborean Exile said:But there's a clear distinction to be made between a Burzum or a Graveland (who "get it" in every way) and a Grand Belial's Key or any number of shitty NSBM acts bashing out political slogans.
Occam's Razor said:The distinction which is?
And there is no inherent "facism" in metal. If you mean the imagery of superiority and "will to power" - that is to be found in many predominantly adolescent subcultures
Hyperborean Exile said:That music is art, not propaganda? That there is great value in giving voice to a dream and none in giving voice to the frustrations and failures of jackbooted thugs?
Occam's Razor said:Well, the propaganda is there in Graveland and Burzum as well - even if only implicit, e.g. with the Swastikas on the "Baldur"-cover, plus the picture showing a white with bright hair being killed by distinctively non-Aryan-looking people.