racist rap

What does RAC stand for? I have seen the term before, but couldn't figure out what it stands for. I imagine hatecore refers to the kind of racist hardcore punk bands found on the Resistance Records roster.
Life Sucks said:
What does RAC stand for? I have seen the term before, but couldn't figure out what it stands for. I imagine hatecore refers to the kind of racist hardcore punk bands found on the Resistance Records roster.

It means "Rock Against Communism". The name was a response to "Rock Against Racism". Most RAC bands don't actually talk directly about Communism much (though see things like Chingford Attack's album "Reds Better Run When We're On The Attack") but that's what it means. I guess you could equate racial harmony with Communist ideals of worker solidarity, hence...
Heavymetalzombie666 said:
Tupac Shakur is a good example of rappers with racist and xenophobic lyrics and severe ties to black nationalist groups.
Wow. I didn't know that. I think I have even heard that he was one of those rappers that promotes harmony between races. If he was indeed a black nationalist, it is ironic how so many white people listen to him.
Interesting thread developing. (knock knock)

I will admit that I haven't listened to all that much Tu Pac. I'm a solid Biggie Smalls fan, though. I never gave much consideration to the whole beef between the two. I always thought that is was as meaningless as a WWF wrestling beef. But after Tu Pac was killed, I noticed that people were making him into a martyr. All real Tu Pac fans with whom I've spoken understand that he's just as bad as anyone with the bullshit he says. There's an odd following, though, which seems to have developed who seem to preach that Tu Pac was some sort of spiritual lyricist. He was nothing of the sort. He was as into glorifying the thugged out lifestyle as any.

Whatever he may have said against white people, it was the sign of the times and all he saw was the paycheck at the end of the road. He was a cash money playa first and a rapper second.

Biggie, on the other hand, was more racist than his lyrics would suggest. Puffy had to tone him down alot so that he would be distributed more widely. Biggie was one angry motherfucker. This is why I hate Puffy, by the way. Biggie had some mad shit to talk.

Again, it comes down to the idea of representing. Tu Pac was trying to represent the West Coast despite being from Baltimore. He was trying to get a name for himself. He talked a whole bunch of shit. People believed it too much and shot him. I think that he could have been a great lyrical poet. I think that in the long run, he wanted to preach harmony between the races. His long term plan was cut short.

Don't judge.
metu said:
Don't judge.

Why not?

From what I know of Tupac, he grew from the black nationalist movement. Apparently a lot of his old friends from pre-Death Row days were increasingly dismayed with his direction, as he stopped rapping politics and started with the guns, bitches and rhyme-feuding shit.

Musically, I only like a very small amount of rap or hip-hop, and Tupac (and Biggie Smalls for that matter) definitely isn't among it. Eminem, Busta Rhymes and Dead Prez just about sums it up.

As for the cult following, it's to be expected. Dead musicians tend to get put on a pedestal, especially if they go out while still active. I can't think of one musician who's died prematurely that hasn't been glorified far beyond their actual worth (however high that actually was) by the appropriate group of fans. Kurt Cobain, Chuck Schuldiner, Johnny Cash, Somnium, Euronymous, Notorious B.I.G., Freddie Mercury, Michael Hutchence, John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Marc Bolan...if Ronan Keating was gunned down today, then tomorrow they'd be saying he'd been a "living legend".
Heh. Well, ok, judge all you want. :]

I guess I misunderstood Tupac's early message. I understand the dead artist phenomenon, I just didn't understand Tupac's in particular. It makes more sense if he was preaching black power.
ultima_tech_incorporated said:
The caucasion race is hated for a good reason.

1. British enslaving Africans...

2. British killing off Native Americans...

3. Spanish killing off the Mayans, Aztechs, and Incas...

4. Americans dropping a nuke on Japan, killing 500,000+ people...

5. Even caucasions can't get along together with other caucasions. Look at the war in the middle east, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the holocaust, the romans enslaving their own civilians...the list goes on.

We caucasions need to accept that the facts. We, the caucasions, are the source of all evil in the world, and any hatred directed towards us, we deserve. Just accept it; CAUCASIONS ARE INFERIOR.

If we're inferior...

...how did we conquer the motherfucking planet? :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
ah, rap, the glorious mothership billboard for the brainwashed, self-segregating, hypocritical mindset of the average Afro-American youth. What an artful expression.. What will we come up with next... National Socialist black metal? oh wait..
Life Sucks said:
I hate rap, but I keep hearing that there are rappers that have anti-white lyrics. I'm just wondering if anyone knows who some of the racist rappers are. People always say that a lot of rap is racist towards whites, but so far it seems that there are far more metal bands that are racists against minorities and Jews.

I think more whites are racist then blacks. Blacks are more common in hiphop, whites are more common in metal. But i don't recall any rap or hiphop that is racist towards whites. Though there's countless bands who are pro-aryan. But don't get me started on that because i'm not Aryan. I'm white but i have brown hair and brown eyes and so Aryan folk who have strong NS belief may be against me for this because i'm not a full-blooded Aryan, i don't have blonde hair or blue eyes. I really don't care anyways. I can't see myself with that color eyes and hair.

I'll stop here.
Blacks in general (many mature black adults) are not racist at all, but it's the American hip hop culture almost as a whole that is the problem. They perhaps do not realize they are racist, but they promote self-segregation, things which adhere to the so-called "black stereotype", and things derived all the way from the Civil Rights era that do nothing but simply glorify the simple fact that they are black. A movie like Soul Plane is a good example of some of this thinking. It is a comedy one laughs at because of the 'BLACKNESS'. That in itself is racist, and going through with acting the part as well as creating an ENTIRE SUBCULTURE for only blacks (which has even infiltrated the 'Christian' churches, see the Harvest Dome, etc) is both hypocritical to the extreme and also prejudice, but since American culture has been brainwashed to think that the black race has been history's ultimate victim, we give 'pardons' and say it's OK to preach the filth and prejudice (involving both African Americans and white Americans) that many rappers do. What's the catalyst? The fact that they are black and therefore hip and urban and so on - which of course is a vision the black youth gladly feeds. What these people don't know though is that they are letting themselves and the culture they influence be controlled by the government a little more with each new hit single, but that's a whole other can of worms I won't go into with this post.

I also have a big problem with racist BM or punk/hxc bands, but we were talking about hip hop, and these groups express their racism in a more blunt way, so this discussion would alter a bit too much to head into that right now.
"I think more whites are racist then blacks."

I think that everyone's racist until they learn otherwise. One of the main problems with inner city kids in general is the lack of good role models. If you're tought racism, you'll probably practice it. When these guys are rapping about whitey keeping them down, that's how they were tought to think. It's the same with the KKK and other such bullshit. You grow up learning that your life sucks because of them and it sticks. It's easy to blaim other people.

Also, I think that we're all getting carried away with the white and black thing. In hip hop, it's very much about MY people. You should here some of these Puerto Ricans and Cubans go at it. It's not a black and white thing. It's an ethnic neighborhood thing.

I've been checking out a bunch of rap from Central America. They rap in Spanish so I don't really know what they're saying for the most part. One thing that almost all of them say, though, is 'por mi barrio.'
I agree that some rappers my be racist, but probably not most. Many blacks grow up in an environment where they don't interact much with other races, which is probably true for all of us. Ever notice how all of us seem to practice self segregation in a free environment? Like who does the white guy sit by on the bus, the black woman or the white woman. Anyway, I'm surprised no one mentioned the racially charged lyrics of Public Enemy who were major supporters of Islam and black power. Alot of rappers lyrics are just based on their reality and not really trying to be against anyone, but tell the story of where they come from kinda like hardcore metal does. Anyone who ever was a Biohazard or Sick of It All fan knows what I mean.

On a similiar topic, as any sports fan knows, blacks dominant the major US sports (Football/basketball). Just last week Larry Bird said that the NBA needs more white superstar players. A few months ago a former Green Bay Packer who's associated with Notre Dame said that for his college to compete they needed to lower their academic standards so they could get the black athelete. Anyone watch the movie Hoop Dreams? If so, you'd see that many black males believe sports to be their only hope in life? Current US statistics show that there are only 1/2 as many black males in college as black females, take away the scholarship basketball and football players and the numbers of both would drop to below that of the % Asian college students in the US. Pretty sad when you realize that Asian's only make up 3.5% of the US population versus 13% for blacks. It's unlikely that the black community will improve in the future as it's family structure hits new lows every year. In America many children are born to unwed parents, over 30% to be exact. However, for the black population the number is now over 75% of their babies born bastards, versus about 25% for whites. Despite the Pizza Hut commercials showing black family's together the truth is most blacks don't even know what a family is.
thespectralsorrows said:
However, for the black population the number is now over 75% of their babies born bastards, versus about 25% for whites. Despite the Pizza Hut commercials showing black family's together the truth is most blacks don't even know what a family is.
Is this an accurate statistic? I find this to be very interesting. What is your source?
Nuts to those stats even if they came from the US Department of the Interior. What do they count as black and what do they count as white? (rhetorical question)

Also, I think that segregation is dominant on tv which dominates our society. Mainstream rap just plays into that mold the same way that mainstream punk, metal, and country do.

I did get quite a kick out of seeing Eminem a while back on Black Entertainment Television (BET). Seriously, though, he's good for race relations.