
I listen to rap like a few others here, but I just think that as a culture in itself, it has become overrated.

Why would you have someone rapping about life in the 'hood(I don't mean to step on anyone's sensitivities, but if I do, my apologies), when he's basically living in a plush suburbian setting? Another thing, all this rapping about getting girls, wine and big bucks has become too dreary for me.
Deathray Davie said:
I'm glad you like my vocabulary too, I like yours as well, with all the big words like "insturmental" and "certainly" and "existance".
Well, I'm glad you know how to read as well, as I never wrote "insturmental"!
And that rap that ZyklonWorm posted was quite crappy! More or less all the rhymes was just rhyming e with e and stuff like that (shit with hit, and so on). My first rhymes was like that too, I might add, but then after writing rhymes for a period they at least got better. On top of that it was just "I rape bitches and I'm stupid" and so on. It was very difficult to figure out that you are a big fan of rap. :p
But anyway, as I said earlier I don't think there's any rule as to what is talent. It never crossed your mind that people listen to rap probably will say that it's easy to play metal - "That's just take a guitar, turn the amp to 10, bang on it and then scream and yell on top of it!". Talent is subjective as well and to me it's pretty clear that when you like a band/music genre you'll think they're gods and people doing a genre of music you truly dislike are the most talentless scum on the face of the earth!
Board said:
But anyway, as I said earlier I don't think there's any rule as to what is talent. It never crossed your mind that people listen to rap probably will say that it's EASY TO PLAY METAL - "That's just take a guitar, turn the amp to 10, bang on it and then scream and yell on top of it!". Talent is subjective as well and to me it's pretty clear that when you like a band!

hold on fucker... some metal is easy, like that pussy ass numetal shit u listen to. but.... so you see bands like darkane, soilwork, zyklon, emperor, in flames, megadeth, slayer, children of bodom, sinergy, black label society, pantera, arch enemy just "That's just take a guitar, turn the amp to 10, bang on it and then scream and yell on top of it!". no fucker. they actually play somethign called MELODIES!!!! rap obviously doesn't have that b/c my pals are stupid as shit. so look at the so called 'talent' in your mtv, numetal bands, 'drop tuning a guitar, add shitty drums, vocals and guitar lines, and have lots of flanging in between... oh yeah not to mention the lyrics have to be about getting kicked out of your parents house' that is NO TALENT AT ALL
rap is the worst style in music imo, most of those rappers like jay z and 50 cent are just not musicians, and they can't sing, just a beat and melody usually ripped off someone...pop is way better than that shit, at least the good pop(thats hard to find this days too its true lol).
ZyklonWorm said:
hold on fucker... some metal is easy, like that pussy ass numetal shit u listen to. but.... so you see bands like darkane, soilwork, zyklon, emperor, in flames, megadeth, slayer, children of bodom, sinergy, black label society, pantera, arch enemy just "That's just take a guitar, turn the amp to 10, bang on it and then scream and yell on top of it!". no fucker. they actually play somethign called MELODIES!!!! rap obviously doesn't have that b/c my pals are stupid as shit. so look at the so called 'talent' in your mtv, numetal bands, 'drop tuning a guitar, add shitty drums, vocals and guitar lines, and have lots of flanging in between... oh yeah not to mention the lyrics have to be about getting kicked out of your parents house' that is NO TALENT AT ALL
Another poster who knows how to read!

How can you know what I listen to? Where did I say that I, and I emphasize I,think Emperor is just turn the amp to 10, bang on the guitar and yell and scream on top? If you even bothered to read what I said (and not edit your quote of my post) you would have know that I said "It never crossed your mind that people listen to rap probably will say that it's easy to play metal - "That's just take a guitar, turn the amp to 10, bang on it and then scream and yell on top of it!"."
As I said earlier I don't listen to rap, so how can did be me? If I think Emperor is just braindead banging on instruments, would I own four of their Lp's? Would I also own the Zyklon LP then? And 2 Pantera Lp's and a cd? 2 Megadeth lp's and a cd? Don't comment on something you don't know anything about!
Now, when talking about making rap music; I think I've made around 500 beats solely by samples of old records. I've never made well-sounding music so quickly and easy as that. The average beat usually took around 10 minuttes to make. Some may have taken 30 minuttes or an hour or two, but it's still the easiest music I've ever "made". It wasn't even me who made, just compiled it.
When it comes to rapping, it's another thing IMO. When making beats, you basically just have to find an old record with a good riff on it, find a drum beat on another old record and put them on top of each other. When making rap lyrics, you'd have to come up with stuff yourself and as I said earlier it's probably not as easy to rap as you think it is. If you listen to guys like KRS-One, Rakim, Redman or Kool Keith you can clearly hear the difference between them and guys like Sum 41 rapping. You can and I can! No, it's not singing, but is Varg Vikernes singing? And to make it clear to you: I'd rather listen to Emperor, Satyricon, Burzum, Tulus, Naglfar, etc. than to Eminem, 50 Cent, Jay-Z, etc. I've grown tired of rap, as simple as that. I'm not saying the music's good or bad here (most of it is mediocre IMO), I'm trying to look at talent objectively. Take a guitar and practice on it every day for 8 years and you'll be good. Does that make you talented or is it just because you've practiced? In Danish we have a saying that translates to "Practice makes champion".
HdbngrKen26 said:
Rap & Hip Hop aka Crap & Slip Slop promotes talent fraud. Who wants to listen to that shit in the first place? Not me.
You're welcome not to! I don't listen to rap either and I'm probably never gonna do so! As I said earlier it just seems to me that because people don't like the music the people releasing the music obviously can't be talented, which I think it's a pretty lame statement.
rap obviously doesn't have that b/c my pals are stupid as shit
Because you don't like rap music it's not necessary to make racist remarks. This just makes you look even more stupid than your posts already does.
ZyklonWorm said:
hold on fucker... some metal is easy, like that pussy ass numetal shit u listen to. but.... so you see bands like darkane, soilwork, zyklon, emperor, in flames, megadeth, slayer, children of bodom, sinergy, black label society, pantera, arch enemy just "That's just take a guitar, turn the amp to 10, bang on it and then scream and yell on top of it!". no fucker. they actually play somethign called MELODIES!!!! rap obviously doesn't have that b/c my pals are stupid as shit. so look at the so called 'talent' in your mtv, numetal bands, 'drop tuning a guitar, add shitty drums, vocals and guitar lines, and have lots of flanging in between... oh yeah not to mention the lyrics have to be about getting kicked out of your parents house' that is NO TALENT AT ALL

Hmmmmm. Funny. I always thought of In Flames and even Children of Bodom as "pussy ass numetal" myself.
What is it with you? That's the third time I have seen make comments about my intelligence. I thank you for calling me intelligent. So kind.