Metalheads who also listen to rap

I occasionally like some. Wu Tang Clan, Jedi Mind Tricks, that type of stuff.

The lack of actual music is usually found in the mainstream acts. I mostly listen to the stuff that has had some effort put into the music.

I believe that you can find the drive (by the drive I mean the 'fuck yeah' feeling the music gives you, every single one of you know what I mean) from almost any genre, it can be in a riff, a beat or the rapper's flow. If you can't see it where it's put in front of you, it's just you being ignorant if you think it sucks. There's no inferior genre of music, any of them can be done well.

Pretty much the only genre that hasn't given me the 'Fuck yeahs' has been jazz so far... :lol: But I listen to it to relax or for a certain mood, which kind of falls into the consumerism side of music (do you know those CDs that are being sold by only being jazz, classical, asian music, etc? When it's not about who, it's about the music as a mass product used solely for what you've been told it is. Those CDs piss me off!!)
I dare someone to listen to "Labor Days" by Aesop Rock, and tell me that it's not intelligent, challenging, or just plain fucking awesome. Amazing record with amazing lyrics and Aesop Rock has some of the best flow I've ever heard.
I'm a huge Rap fan.

JMT is one of my favorites. I also like IllBill and Necro, old Nas, Sage Francis, Cypress Hill, Biggie, old Snoop rules, Immortal Technique, Army of the Pharaohs, Doap Nixon, Kool G Rap, Mobb Deep, NWA, Wu Tang Clan, etc etc.

My JMT hoodie always gets compliments.

immortal technique is only ill in his free styles, and dude army of pharohs is the shiiiiiiiit
I'm largely with James here.

To me it's obvious that the negative social consequences that rap has had by filtering into the mainstream have been nothing less than catastrophic. Take a walk down your nearest low socio-economic area when school's out. See what sort of counter-culture the kids are advocating these days. Take a moment to realize how when they look at you they size you up, considering you a potential mark. This is the mindset that rap advocates. Adversity, exploitation, disrespect and outright thuggery.

Let's face it, most metal is hilarious. If you take Cannibal Corpse at face value then you have some intrinsic issues. It's all fantasy. So much of it is so blatantly cheesy that you could not in any way relate it to real life, even if you wanted to. As with all fads it has followers that take it a bit too extremely. These are the types that would be predisposed to justify their actions regardless of what avenue they found as the release. They are the minority.

The problem is that rap tends to, by and large, preach a lifestyle. It tries to turn its followers into disciples who apply its teachings in the day to day world. The results of this should be obvious to anyone that lives in urban or built up suburban areas. It gets confused, directionless kids, and turns them into chaotic, directionless thugs. You cannot give people too much credit. The general populace by far and large are fucking stupid and easily controlled.. especially the teenagers. If you put something out there in the mainstream, pop-culture media long enough, enforcing ideals like stealing, murder, maltreatment, gang warfare.... it's going to catch on. I mean people still follow organized religion for God's sake, of course they're going to take any notions that seem idealistic to their walk of life and turn them into a walking mantra.

Once again, disastrous social consequences. The shit needs to be clamped down on and quenched. Stupid people need to be given other, more peaceful and less socially destructive avenues of expression.
Jesus... the delusion on this forum is remarkable. You guys will say anything to preserve the bullshit hierarchies you've got set out in your mind, which are based on some of the most acrid logic. Ah bollocks to it... lets just all have a laugh...


Ooooo... hahaha....a aaaaa... iiieeee.... butc....ahaha... butchered at birth! ahahahaha... omg... that's just Sooooooooo hilarious!!
I agree that rap taken seriously is absolute bollocks... I also have the same opinion about idiots who listened to My Chemical Romance and cut themselves...

If i listen to it, its the music, not the lyrics that I like...

hell if i listened to lyrics and believed them, i wouldn't be listening to Dead Prez... rapping about robbing the pizza delivery guy and militarising the ghetto and taking america for themselves... thats just silly talk
I love some hip hop, probably mainly because of the groove, which in turns has influenced the way I play guitar and bass guitar (I like to add bits of groove and funk to my playing), but as a metalhead (well really I think I'm just a fan o rock music as a whole, but eh, I guess it's just safe to say you're a metalhead if you're on :lol:) it's not really a genre I listen to a broad range of artists from.

But what Ermz says is really true. The fact is the average person isn't all that intelligent and just likes/believes anything accessible that's handed to them.
As someone that turned 21 last year, it wasn't long ago I was in high school.
Fact is I saw a lot of that stuff Ermin is talking about at school.
For many kids it was just a constant race to be the toughest, coolest, most badass kid in school.

It's hard to see it if you're one of them, but from the external view of mine, the outcast, weird kid that didn't fit in, it was clear to see.
Many people see and hear the exaggerated films, and music, absorb it and attempt to become it.

Then what you get here, is people just living their life as if in a constant movie, or music video clip.
The girls talking in class constantly about the guys they dated, who they fucked, what parties they went too, how drunk/drugged up they got.......just living the American overdramatic film.
The guys talking about how much they got while shop lifting, who/how many people they beat up, how they escaped from the cops........same shit, just living in a fantasy, film/video clip land.
It can be thing passed down through a generation, or just something that came up in the current generation, whatever.
And it becomes so commonplace to behave in this way, that many people just accept this as normal behavior and a normal way of going about your day.
And I guess, to an extent, as a kid who was angry with this bullshit, I was ultimately drawn to heavy metal. I liked how a lot of it was just so real, no bullshit. Pure, raw fucking human emotion, not something out of a dreamy, exaggerated world. Yet at the same time, it was something that was able to laugh at itself.
I know that sounds a bit cheesy and "gay", but I imagine maybe that's something some of you other guys here experienced too.
While maybe my life didn't (and perhaps still doesn't) seem exciting from a superficial point of view, at least I can wake up each morning and know I can take the opportunity to improve myself in some way, try something new and creative and be at least somewhat content with that progress.
To me that's far more fulfilling, meaningful and special than going to a party every night and getting wasted (that's not to say I haven't done that before, because I had my time as a teen who felt lost too but luckily I was able to see through it eventually), or standing around train stations like a lot of dickheads around my area do seeing who's the next person you can beat up or steal from.
And it saddens me a lot of people don't get to feel those special, deeper feelings (I'm reluctant to say that in fear of sounding pretentious, but eh I know who I am as a human being and I know I'm not pretentious)
I agree that rap taken seriously is absolute bollocks... I also have the same opinion about idiots who listened to My Chemical Romance and cut themselves...

If i listen to it, its the music, not the lyrics that I like...

hell if i listened to lyrics and believed them, i wouldn't be listening to Dead Prez... rapping about robbing the pizza delivery guy and militarising the ghetto and taking america for themselves... thats just silly talk

The root of the problem is too many listeners take it for gospel though.
I know when Dr Dre is talking about getting high, he isn't encouraging kids to go out there and take meth and shoot each other over the problems it can cause. But people can read into shit too much and interpret that way, ya know?

Read this for example, you may or may not be familiar with the song

I don't read that as "join a gang, go cause mayhem on the street and be a tough gangsta muthafucka, yo", but instead I see as Dre talking about what can be achieved artistically if one puts their mind to it, and to go out and really just try to be creative and/or do something really fulfilling and positive with your life.
Because I know Dre isn't walking around the streets with a gun, meth and a knife, selling drugs and shooting cunts up.
But I do know he's a talented guy in his mid 40s that's too old for that "gangsta lyfe" crap that just loves to write lyrics, songs, mix music and produce music for himself/other artist.
Unfortunately, most kids are probably just don't understand what he's really trying to get at, which is to do something positive and real, and instead just focus on reading into his lyrics in a superficial manner and trying to be the toughest cunt in town
I really hate when cool threads become ridiculous arguments. If youre not a metalhead who likes rap then why do ya feel it's necessary to come in here and voice your opinion? Back on topic:

I'm suprised no one mentioned Tech N9ne. His stuff has gotten a little boring this past year or so but he's the perfect cross over artist for metalheads.
That Vinnie Paz song above. What a load of bullshitery. Sad thing is, I know people that believe all this craziness and this comes out of their mouth a lot: "I'm not happy in this life" as if they know for sure there is another to be had. Pretty sad shit.