Metalheads who also listen to rap

o' relly!

What do you think THIS guys listens to?

Im sure its Testament and Slayer, come on after all he does have long hair amiright?

Ughhhhh ..... Dude just stop

I think he listens to The Smurfs Go Pop, every single day of his life. That's what I think.

You dildo.
Anyway... back to the thread. I also like some Nerdcore stuff - MC Frontalot, Optimus Rhyme, Badd Spellah ... some of it is satirical, and bordering on genius... imho.
i posted a thread about this video a couple weeks ago.

THIS is my kinda rap.

Ahhh, that's probably where I saw it. I forgot how I discovered that. Yeah, great track. Parodies the bullshit side of rap well.

I just think like anything... when the mainstream gets hold of something, it rapes it of all its creativity and positive energy, and turns it into a cynical package for people to lap up like hoez lappin' up spaff from my downstairs mixup...

... oh wait.. my bad.

Seriously though... it's okay for James to tell me to eat his shit... and you even dedicate your love for him because of it. I call you a dildo in what was obviously jest.. and you have to get all butthurt?

yeah, but i was simply inviting you to do some research... 'cuz Knowledge Is Power!


... and knowing is half the battle, ;)
and i think you have blinders on... and are being a d-bag for wanting to t-bag a genre that is quite clear in it's message; TAKE. not earn.... TAKE.

my real point is that this is how the kids perceive the message... Take what you want, get yours, get high, treat bitches like hoes. lol

seriously.. they do. spend time around around many urban junior high schoolers? hopefully not, that would be creepy. it would also probably be pretty disheartening for you... yeah, rough times are their reality, but do they really need to be encouraged to "TAKE" in order to escape it?

Murphy, you are one of the forum gods here, and i agree with you 99% of the time, but seriously, you are doing just what the PMRC did to heavy metal back in the 80's.

And come on, people on this forum listen to music about torture, rape, genocide and whatnot.
That does not mean that anyone of us condone it.

You seem to have set your mind that a whole group of people are the same, and i cant really understand how that is fair to anyone.
Murphy, you are one of the forum gods here, and i agree with you 99% of the time, but seriously, you are doing just what the PMRC did to heavy metal back in the 80's.

And come on, people on this forum listen to music about torture, rape, genocide and whatnot.
That does not mean that anyone of us condone it.

You seem to have set your mind that a whole group of people are the same, and i cant really understand how that is fair to anyone.

then you didn't read all the posts.

my point was that metal kids, by and large, treat metal lyrics as fantasy, and the music as a temporary escape from daily life.

but young kids into rap these days, by and large, take it's messages and lyrics AS real life.

this is where i think the PMRC missed the mark.
then you didn't read all the posts.

my point was that metal kids, by and large, treat metal lyrics as fantasy, and the music as a temporary escape from daily life.

but young kids into rap these days, by and large, take it's messages and lyrics AS real life.

this is where i think the PMRC missed the mark.

Being a young kid knowing a lot of other young kids...

The young kids that do that are just the same as those kids dressed as werewolves or some shit listening to Avenged Sevenfold there were on a thread in this subforum only a few weeks ago.

They aren't a majority, they just get noticed way easier that most of the sane rap listeners or metal aficionados.
James I love your stance on making zero concessions for stupidity.

But when judging an artform I think its necessary to make a judgement based on the artform itself, not other peoples reactions to it. If you don't like it, thats fine with me, but if other peoples reactions towards it are making you dislike it then, well, I think that is slightly disjointed.

Edit: I will concede that it can be hard to detach the two if you have some sort of tied emotional reaction to it though, there's a few bands that have this effect on me too.
Dunno, i like some nerdcore stuff, or hiphop with substance (saul williams), but generally i'm with James on this one, this shit has some bad influence on some people, i'm not saying that music is too blame, but there's something about it.

But a well produced r'n'b record... now we're talking. I really dig when the artist can.. you know.. sing.. and stuff, with a melody and all that crap... the stuff that actually needs talent.. just sayin'
What do i have against rap:
1. The music or lack of it.
Normally there is just some dumb pseudo rhythm and few plinkplonks there and there and if/when the music is actually good, it is most probably stolen (sampled) from some real musician.

2. The lyrics...
Seriously ! Do you really care about what some black or white idiot rapper has to say about big city streets, no work, crime, selling drugs, shooting other gang members, smacking bitches ?
Even if there are some rappers rapping about deep social matters and writing lyrics like the most beautiful poetry, i don't fucking care about it - i listen to good music trying to ignore lyrics and actually prefer instrumental stuff.

ps. A big LOL at all the rap fans here saying "you only know about the mainstream rap that can be heard on MTV" and posting Youtube clips as examples of "good" rap... THESE EXAMPLES YOU POSTED TOTALLY SUCK !

ps2. "Only listening to metal is the antithesis of metal." i agree and i listen to metal, rock (classic and modern), classical (Wagner, Bach and few others), film music (mainly Poledouris), good atmospheric electronica (Jarre, Vangelis etc).
Instead of trying to argue about the musical validity of hip-hop, which will always be an uphill battle on this forum, I'll just throw up a few artists that I really dig.

Vinnie Paz- End of Days ft. Block McCloud: For his first solo album I must say I'm extremely psyched. I always loved Jedi Mind Tricks and Army of the Pharaohs, and he doesn't dissapoint. The piano in this song is ace.

Celph Titled- Primo's Four Course Meal: Celph never fails to impress and bring a few good laughs. This track always gets me.

Army of the Pharaohs- All Shall Perish: This is one of my favorite beats and hip-hop songs hands down. AOTP is just a monster of a hip-hop supergroup.

I also love me some Ill Bill, Apathy, Demigodz, Styles of Beyond, Fort Minor, and not to mention all the old school stuff like Wu-Tang and Snoop.
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