Metalheads who also listen to rap

A Tribe Called Quest.
I love ATCQ!

Most of you probably hate Common, but his album 'Be' is phenomenal.

Some others I like:
Genelec & Memphis Reigns
Dr. Dre
Geto Boys
Ice Cube (Lethal Injection)
Wu Tang
Snoop Dogg
I'd say the culture around metal is just as disgraceful. It's like... most people are just happy to wallow in their own shit, regardless of the texture of the shit.... it's always the same low minded bollocks.
hardly... metal is taken as fantasy by 99% of it's afficianados. rap is taken as "real life" by 99% of it's followers. do the math.

it's one thing when a style of music is an "escape" from the daily grind, quite another when it's a manifesto for how to live and treat others... poorly. even criminally.
hardly... metal is taken as fantasy by 99% of it's afficianados. rap is taken as "real life" by 99% of it's followers. do the math.

That's probably the stupidest argument I've ever read. If you'd done even a dicksplash of research, you wouldn't be talking out your arse like you are doing.
This is more spoken word, but an example of the sort of stuff i have absolutely no problem with, and actually quite like.

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That's probably the stupidest argument I've ever read. If you'd done even a dicksplash of research, you wouldn't be talking out your arse like you are doing.

fuck you, you little smartass.. i don't HAVE to do research, i fuckin' grew up with rap in my house (siblings loved it)... and as an adult i lived for 6 fucking years in Oakland, and rehearsed in the same rehearsal halls as many hip-hop / rap acts, worked in the same studios with them, and had a gun held to my head by a wanna-be rap artist that was stealing my neighbors Roland VS unit to track his album with... and yet i STILL managed to be friends with a number of Oakland rap artists. so EAT MY SHIT and research my corn intake. douche.
You got some issues man. It's one thing to have real life experience of the utmost assery... coz yeah, putting a gun to someone's head is obviously twatish. But to go as far as to say that rap is a manfesto for being criminally abusive towards people... that's just fucking lunacy. I'm not gonna kiss your arse because you're some hotshot engineer. I'm gonna tell you exactly what I think, and I think you're being a d-bag in respect to this issue.

Doesn't mean we can't be friends though. :lol:

Yeah, escapism.... riiiight....
fuck you, you little smartass.. i don't HAVE to do research, i fuckin' grew up with rap in my house. (siblings loved it).. and as an adult i lived for 6 fucking years in Oakland, and rehearsed in the same rehearsal halls as many hip-hop . rao acts, worked in the same studios with them, and had a gun held to my head by a wanna be rap artist... so EAT MY SHIT and research my corn intake. douche.

I know i said this before, but everyone wonders why I love this man!

As for the whole Rap thing, I dont HATE it. Do I listen to it not really. There were somethings in the late 80s early 90s that caught my ear and I was "oh hey that's pretty cool" but mainly it was things that dealt with the "fun" side of life. I am a big Will Smith fan, he always brought a bright side to things and made it FUN. But there were also other artists that had the darker thing going on. Gangsta's Pradise by Coolio is one that comes to mind, it was real, dealt with real shit, and had an amazing hook and melody.

I have to admit, my first job as a AE was in a Hip Hop studio in New York. I worked with Craig Mac and Busta Rhymes, both were amazingly down to earth and genuinely great people. They had a firm grasp on things musically and were brilliant at poly and counter rhythms.
Textbook example of escapism. Dressing up to escape the fact that she probably has a very boring run of the mill job.

Or maybe she listened to too much Cradle? Point I was trying to make, in case I obfuscated it - you can't judge someone based on their musical predilections. There's no causal link between liking rap, and following a certain lifestyle.
You got some issues man. It's one thing to have real life experience of the utmost assery... coz yeah, putting a gun to someone's head is obviously twatish. But to go as far as to say that rap is a manfesto for being criminally abusive towards people... that's just fucking lunacy. I'm not gonna kiss your arse because you're some hotshot engineer. I'm gonna tell you exactly what I think, and I think you're being a d-bag in respect to this issue.

Doesn't mean we can't be friends though. :lol:
and i think you have blinders on... and are being a d-bag for wanting to t-bag a genre that is quite clear in it's message; TAKE. not earn.... TAKE.

my real point is that this is how the kids perceive the message... Take what you want, get yours, get high, treat bitches like hoes. lol

seriously.. they do. spend time around around many urban junior high schoolers? hopefully not, that would be creepy. it would also probably be pretty disheartening for you... yeah, rough times are their reality, but do they really need to be encouraged to "TAKE" in order to escape it?
I think the fact that some people are too stupid to make the distinction between a piece of music and their actions reality doesn't make the genre any less potent, for me anyway, sure some of it is legitimately fucking stupid, but I'm not going to write off the intelligent parts of it and spite the whole thing.

In fact I think its partly the threatening aspect of rap that makes me like it, metal can be good for portraying an emotional anger but I think it loses it place sometimes in favour of silly noises and gore or bland imagery sometimes for me to properly associate with any feeling behind it, as a genre rap is often just pure emotion, even spite captured on a record can be something powerful to listen to.
Or maybe she listened to too much Cradle? Point I was trying to make, in case I obfuscated it - you can't judge someone based on their musical predilections. There's no causal link between liking rap, and following a certain lifestyle.

o' relly!

What do you think THIS guys listens to?

Im sure its Testament and Slayer, come on after all he does have long hair amiright?

Ughhhhh ..... Dude just stop
Or maybe she listened to too much Cradle? Point I was trying to make, in case I obfuscated it - you can't judge someone based on their musical predilections. There's no causal link between liking rap, and following a certain lifestyle.

No, you can't. However i think you'd be hard pressed to deny that a fairly large percentage of young people who take part in anti social behaviour (at least in the UK) don't identify themselves with a hip hop lifestyle/culture ..whatever. I'm not saying it's the root of the issue, just that it quite obviously goes hand in hand with a lot of it.
and i think you have blinders on... and are being a d-bag for wanting to t-bag a genre that is quite clear in it's message; TAKE. not earn.... TAKE.

my real point is that this is how the kids perceive the message... Take what you want, get yours, get high, treat bitches like hoes. lol

seriously.. they do. spend time around around many urban junior high schoolers? hopefully not, that would be creepy. it would also probably be pretty disheartening for you... yeah, rough times are their reality, but do they really need to be encouraged to "TAKE" in order to escape it?

Yeah you got a point. But some kids listen to metal, and decide it'd be a good idea to start self-harming. That shit happens in all walks of life. The truth is, some people are fucking dumb regardless of the media discourse they involve themselves with.

I think the fact that some people are too stupid to make the distinction between a piece of music and their actions reality doesn't make the genre any less potent, for me anyway, sure some of it is legitimately fucking stupid, but I'm not going to write off the intelligent parts of it and spite the whole thing.

What Owen said.