Metalheads who also listen to rap

I'd say the culture around metal is just as disgraceful. It's like... most people are just happy to wallow in their own shit, regardless of the texture of the shit.... it's always the same low minded bollocks.

I don't really think that's true. If you hang around your hometown metal scene with 3 bands, maybe. But I find a lot of metalheads, both fans and especially in successful bands, are very intelligent, well-adjusted people. Can't really say the same for Soulja Boy or Lil Wayne, who seem like total nincompoops.

That said, I don't listen to much rap, but Straight Outta Compton is, non-ironically, an amazing album. The beats and instrumentation are surprisingly cohesive and derived from real music, and it sounds awesome. The lyrics are partly serious, but also very much self-awarely ridiculous and funny on a lot of the tracks.

edit: holy fuck, I didn't see how old this thread is hahah.