Another Life delayed until Summer 2010

No way, my friend. Vinyl is still around, and quite popular. CDs won't go away for anothe decade, at least. And even then they'll still be made, just not in the same quantities.

At least, with about 6,000 CDs, that's what I keep telling myself. :lol:

If you get more recordcompanies like Vic ( sick ) records the CD will die for sure:lol: Too bad vinyl is still around: it should have been dead and burried a long time a ago:Puke:

I never said that the CD itself would die ( maybe replced by DVD ?)
But the Records shop/distrubution as we know it will, if not totally die, change. Why not put up a Vic ( sick ) Webshop ? I guess all dieheards on this forum would buy it that way. They have their heads up their asses already: "Hey we are a new, fresh, recordcompany. We release new records that was made 3 -4 years ago" A very good and serious start in a dying bussines. I hard to imagine all dumbasses in the music industry:mad:
Yeah, this is getting fucking ridiculous. It's funny when you look up Another Life on Metal Archives, and it still says that Memories From Nothing was released on April 10th, 2006, though.

Vic Records is full of the big promises, and has a nice spiffy website, but I'm starting to think we're all getting hosed here.
speaking of dick records...did the very first project hate mcmxcix album get rereleased...i rmember dan remstered it and it was supposed to have a cool new booklet and be released via penis records...did they release it?
jesus titty fucking christ

i guess there are no new paganizer or ribspreader either, right?

a better question would be: did they release anything lately?
I wonder how hard it is to legally wrestle it from them. I'm not sure what laws are like in Sweden but I'm pretty sure in the U.S. if you sign with a label and they haven't released your album in almost 3 years, you could probably break the contract safely or sue them to get back your material.

I know legal action sucks but it's probably time to start looking if you plan to release your music...
I even e-mailed Vic Records on a couple occasions, to ask them when the hell they plan on releasing stuff, and got no response each time. Mind boggling...
You guys should order a Vic cap in the meantinme

I wonder if it's available ;)

Btw. on the Vic homepage there a new cover for the Odyssey ep
I wonder how hard it is to legally wrestle it from them. I'm not sure what laws are like in Sweden but I'm pretty sure in the U.S. if you sign with a label and they haven't released your album in almost 3 years, you could probably break the contract safely or sue them to get back your material.

I know legal action sucks but it's probably time to start looking if you plan to release your music...

i always wondered about that too...there must be some sort of obligation within the contract by the label's side and if not fullfilled then the contract is void.