Another Maiden Jam Night?

I vote for Sunday afternoon. Only problem with Thursdays for me is the hours I work. And, also maybe have it at a little club, but something that's a little better than TC's, so people can get a better view. Something like the Gypsy Lounge in Lake Forest or somewhere like that.

I don't know. I'm just thinking aloud (can you do that on a computer?).
Need to work up the vocals (since I can't play an instrument).


Jen, the last jam ses (on weekday) worked for me because it was local. If it was far (or too late), then no workie for me. Sunday works.

Club inferno? I likie. Closie to homie.
Originally posted by smylex
...but something that's a little better than TC's, so people can get a better view. Something like the Gypsy Lounge in Lake Forest or somewhere like that.
I agree Smylex, Gyspy Lounge would be a better venue for that kinda gig. Even Hogue's if they would go for it...

Originally posted by Chickinson
How many jammers do you think we should have per song maximum?
2 sit-ins with the Maidens per song max is plenty IMO.
Originally posted by Doodoobubbachuck
Yep, we got some different tunes to throw at y'all in the works!:cool: We'll be adding them in to the set momentarily! Just gotta spit and polish a tad bit more. ;)

Is that with or without mucous? :D