another Mic-Pre shootout. battle of the cheapos


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
so here are the requested files.

of course the comparison with the API is not fair since it's way more expensive, but it's nice to see how the "cheapos" do in comparison to it.

actually I think the Focusrite is way better than the RME, but decide yourselves:

Preamps are (random order):
API 3124+ (about 3200€ for 4 pres = 800€ per channel)
Focusrite octopre LE about 500€ for 8 pres = 62,5€ per channel )
RME Quadmic (about 400€ for 4 preamps = 100€ per channel )





I know, sloppy playing and especially for Brett:

"they all sound shite" is not a possible answer ;)

all files in 24/44.1k
That was my point, some of the parts where I think I hear a difference, is from the doubled guitar isn't tight enough.

Isn't it always the ones that can't hear a difference the ones that complain about the process. :p
Honestly though I don't hear a difference yet. Maybe your just fucking with us and posted the same recording with different names :)
That was my point, some of the parts where I think I hear a difference, is from the doubled guitar isn't tight enough.

Isn't it always the ones that can't hear a difference the ones that complain about the process. :p
Honestly though I don't hear a difference yet. Maybe your just fucking with us and posted the same recording with different names :)

It's the same DI tracks reamped thru same amp-settings and mic-positios but with a different preamp.

best is to load the files into your DAW so you can switch faster between the (soloed) tracks.

there should be quite an obvious difference ;)
Thank you very much LSD! :)

First one sounds a bit less boomy and more open, second one a little darker and smoother and third one is similar to the first but more boomy and less open...that, or I am imagining things because I can't hear a lot of differences. :loco:

1. API
2. RME
3. Octo
An interesting thing to do is invert the phase on one of the tracks and listen to it and another track. I don't know if it's just the difference in the preamps or something else but the result sure isn't silence :)
I will try
Api 3
Focusrite 1
Rme 2

but I also could have guessed the colour of your guitar...
First listen:

1: fizzy, smooth, slightly distant, somewhat attacky
2: even more distant and fizzy, attack about the same
3: a bit less fizzy than 2, much less attack

Second listen with cross-comparisons:

1: small mid-spike, most attack but a bit brittle-ish, fizzy
2: a little quiet in the high frequencies, attack still sounds the same as 1
3: odd side sound in the low frequencies, high frequency fizz

First impressions:

- They all sound quite similar, except #2 has a small drop in the higher frequencies
- They all sound fizzy, but that could be the amp itself - sure sounds like an Engl Powerball :lol:
- #3 has some odd almost inaudible low frequency rumble in it
- #1 and #2 have quite similar attack

So, I would guess:

#1 = RME Quadmic
#2 = Focusrite Octopre LE
#3 = API 3124+

Oh yeah, and my favourite is #1, but I have to add I think #1 and #3 would be practically identical within a full mix.

#1 is my favourite because it's otherwise pretty identical to #3, but it hasn't that additional low end rumble that you would have to highpass out.
I guess for distorted guitars there isn't 5000€ worth of difference between the preamps (unless maybe a quad-track test proves me wrong). I'd invest that much money in monitors and acoustic treatment, at least then I'll be able to appreciate the difference :)
Before LSD reaveals which pre is which, could you guys also post your favourite or least favourite?