Another musical game


Mar 14, 2006
Near Mountains

I'm thinkin the last week about a game in the forum, but 2 of my ideas has been already used.

The last one is this:

I'll write a band to start, but you must post another band who shares some member (I can't remember if this game has been posted before)



b)Borknagar (by Infernus)


let's play!
my starter band :

Vintersorg (lol)
you got a lot of bands to play!!!
What did I miss?:S How are KoRn related to Forefather (dead end!) or Eluveitie (which is also more or less a dead end) or Folkearth? I think this game's over? :D

PS: Oh and man do I love Forefather... Great fucking band!
I got an idea...maybe we can start a new chain every time we reach a dead end. and see eventaully what's the longest chain possible( this should add a little twist to the game)
now as for KoЯn(cyrillic baby yeah)...they are pretty much a dead end by themselves not to meantion absolutely no connection to Forefather.

well new chain...I'll make it easy
OK fine, but people should copy older chains when making a new one or something, so we can keep track (don't be lazy, it's not that much of a hassle):p


1. Chain: Vintersorg-Otyg-Folkearth-Forefather
No ok, but seriously now:D

Does the member hve to be in the band currently? Or is it okay if he/it/she was in the band a few years back?

Ill say Mayhem.
Well Hellhammer is still a member of Arcturus so Mayhem is vaild in any way, but I think ANY connection will suffice...

The Covenant
Well Hellhammer is still a member of Arcturus so Mayhem is vaild in any way, but I think ANY connection will suffice...

The Covenant

and what about of twice ex-members? i would say Satyricon (Sverd played in both Coventant and Satyricon in the past)
it would be nice to write after the group's name also the name of the artist that links the two bands in our minds.....that will avoid to refer always to the same artist : for example hellhammer -> Age of Silence, Arcturus, The Covenant, Thorns, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem and many other
They are allowed IMO...

Taake (Eihwaz)

Current Chain: Hypocrisy-Immortal-Borknagar-Arcturus-Mayhem-The Covenant-Satyricon-Gorgoroth-Taake
ragnarok - hoest
ehi well done everybody.....this chain is becoming incredibly long!!!!

Current Chain: Hypocrisy-Immortal-Borknagar-Arcturus-Mayhem-The Covenant-Satyricon-Gorgoroth-Taake-Ragnarok
Dimmu Borgir (Shagrath)

Current Chain: Hypocrisy-Immortal-Borknagar-Arcturus-Mayhem-The Covenant-Satyricon-Gorgoroth-Taake-Ragnarok-Dimmu Borgir
Tsjuder (Jontho)

i'll fix the current chain because the first band bloodbath was left out
Current Chain: Bloodbath-Hypocrisy-Immortal-Borknagar-Arcturus-Mayhem-The Covenant-Satyricon-Gorgoroth-Taake-Ragnarok-Kharon-Tsjuder