Another Noob question?


New Metal Member
May 9, 2006
I'm new to the DAW, I came from the old school tape four track, then digital 8 track standalones, so most of the computer stuff is way too much info!

Here's my basic questions, and I know there is no "right" way, but the most common:

What is the order that most people chain their inserts? I'm running Cubase SX and I know that the inserts are in series, but what is the "norm"? Also, is this typically the same order on the busses?

I'm doing this:

Compressor or Multiband Compressor

If I was going to use a Multiband and a compressor, would the compressor go first? Does this defeat the point, too much compression?

Thanks in advanced for helping a noob out!
See, I did learn something today. Sometimes the obvious isn't so obvious, to me anyway!

Thanks for the tips
try the comp and eq in dsifferent orders on different sources and see what sounds good.
dont forget
there are no rules
only what sounds good
i never use gates so cant comment on that