Another reason why some people shouldn't be allowed to breed...

overtly racist remarks are a running in-joke on RC. I'm sorry you lack a sense of humour.

that clip above proves it's not all a running in-joke. Fuck those fucking my pals. What self-respecting human being (my pals or not) would do that kind of shit.

Where's a KFC tub full of nooses when you need it
What did Stevie Wonder think of the cheese grater he received as a gift for Christmas?

He thought it was the most violent book he had ever read.


Fuck my pals!!! Hey Spikes watch the video above and lets see if you still stand side by side with this simian filth!!!

Negroshima, bitches!

What wastes of human life.

What did Stevie Wonder think of the cheese grater he received as a gift for Christmas?

He thought it was the most violent book he had ever read.
It appears as if the older turdlet is attempting to remove his ankle bracelet to carry out some sort of method of escape. Little does he know, that once he escapes the confines of that porcelain prison and makes it to the front door of his parents 1 bedroom shanty, 200 billion gallons of New Orleans street water awaits him. Swim little negar Swim!!! Don't Give up!! There's a spot on Elian's raft!!! Don't Give up!!! Never Give Up!