People who vote for Bush should be deported

Papa Josh said:
And I see like most Republicans, you took my statement out of context. By that, I mean you deleted the rest of my post, as if I only made the first statement. Help is on the fucking way, thank god.
Um no Mr. holier than thou master of "I'm right about politics and if you don't agree with me you're an idiot". I deleted the rest of your post except for the statement that was squarely directed at me. And I see like most tunnel visioned partisan supporters you are blind to the possibility that anything good can come out of those individuals you do not support. You are so bogged down with complaints and negativity. You're the type of individual I feel sorry for.

A fundamental difference between us is that I am open to the possibility that anyone we can vote for has the ability to help us. I'm quite certain that Kerry has the ability to lead and help our country in ways that Bush can't or won't, and if he does get elected, I'm not going to sit and complain for four years based on differences in philosophy and talk about what an idiot and a cancer he is. Instead, I will give the administration a chance to show that they can do some good things for our country and will give credit when it's due. I can think of plenty of things I liked about Clinton and plenty of things I didn't. I'm not out to continue to bash-bash-bash-bash-bash-bash-bash because it's unhealthy and unproductive.
I can't wait to get drunk tonight and post something completely meaningless in this thread.
Dark One said:
Um no Mr. holier than thou master of "I'm right about politics and if you don't agree with me you're an idiot". I deleted the rest of your post except for the statement that was squarely directed at me. And I see like most tunnel visioned partisan supporters you are blind to the possibility that anything good can come out of those individuals you do not support. You are so bogged down with complaints and negativity. You're the type of individual I feel sorry for.

A fundamental difference between us is that I am open to the possibility that anyone we can vote for has the ability to help us. I'm quite certain that Kerry has the ability to lead and help our country in ways that Bush can't or won't, and if he does get elected, I'm not going to sit and complain for four years based on differences in philosophy and talk about what an idiot and a cancer he is. Instead, I will give the administration a chance to show that they can do some good things for our country and will give credit when it's due. I can think of plenty of things I liked about Clinton and plenty of things I didn't. I'm not out to continue to bash-bash-bash-bash-bash-bash-bash because it's unhealthy and unproductive.
Wrong again. The fundamental difference between me and you is that I won't sit and be complacent for four years with someone who refuses to own up to mistakes. Please tell me somethin good that could come from Bush. You can't because he can't.

Don't feel sorry for me, you sound fucking gay when you say that and I don't mean in a good, homosexual way. I mean in a fucking weak way. Philosophy is to be argued, what would you expect an opponent to do, sit back and ponder in silence? We've given the administration four years to show us, they've had their turn, time to move on.

Papa Josh said:
Wrong again. The fundamental difference between me and you is that I won't sit and be complacent for four years with someone who refuses to own up to mistakes. Please tell me somethin good that could come from Bush. You can't because he can't.

Don't feel sorry for me, you sound fucking gay when you say that and I don't mean in a good, homosexual way. I mean in a fucking weak way. Philosophy is to be argued, what would you expect an opponent to do, sit back and ponder in silence? We've given the administration four years to show us, they've had their turn, time to move on.

I do feel sorry for you. To feel good about spewing out such negative drivel. Of course philosophy is to be argued!! But I'm not for arguing in such a destructive way that shows complete and total animosity towards those that disagree with you; as if the ones that disagree represent the full blown enemy or something. We all have to live together Papa. To me, anyone that would use the phrase "like most Republicans" is someone who doesn't believe in this, and instead exhibits full blown partisan bias.
Dark One said:
I do feel sorry for you. To feel good about spewing out such negative drivel. Of course philosophy is to be argued!! But I'm not for arguing in such a destructive way that shows complete and total animosity towards those that disagree with you; as if the ones that disagree represent the full blown enemy or something. We all have to live together Papa. To me, anyone that would use the phrase "like most Republicans" is someone who doesn't believe in this, and instead exhibits full blown partisan bias.
Sometimes I feel like the mindless minions that support Bush are impossible to talk to, so lashing out is the only way to get a point across. I'm not partisan, hell, if Buchanan was running, I'd probably vote for him. Bush is nothing to be proud of, wartime president or not.

Kerry is the better of the two choices, that's my belief, sorry if it hurts. We do all have to live together, maybe Bush should've thought about that before he spat in the face of the global community.


Anyhow, on a serious note: Bush is an imperialist, plain and simple. His methodology for foreign policy is of a very forthright persuasion, one in which there is no defense, but rather proactive offense. If you believe in the US's prerogative to infiltrate and destroy perceived enemies without provocation, he's your man. If not, do not vote for him. For fuck's sake, I'm a US conservative urging you not to vote for him. We CANNOT survive in this world alone. If we are to shun all our allies (which Bush WILL DO given a second term), we will be subject to more pain than that set forth to conquering the Romans. Given a second term, Bush will quite possibly render these United States asunder. BLAH!
Dark One, if only Bush ( and most democrats) supporters were as level headed as you. You seem to understand that instead of demonizing the competition, it is best to build upon comprimise, a synthesis of both sides ideas, to hold meaningful arguments of differences- but with a shared common value of making America better.

However, most republicans, and most hardcore democrats, have decided to use the old tried and true method of Aristotelian Logic when arguing about any subject. Thus, these politicians and supporters make the case that they are right, and thus because they are right, everything they stand for is in the right, and everything the opposing candidate stands for is thus totally wrong. Such thinking pervades Western thought, and especially politics. Its a shame. I personally would like to see a number of different parties as in Europe, forced to make political compromises to form broad coalitions; instead of demonizing their opponents while accepting bribes and taking orders from the rich, the military and large corporations ( the same thing their opponents do).

Papa Josh, as much as I agree with most of your opinions, you definately should read the above^^^^^