People who vote for Bush should be deported

JayKeeley said:
At the same time, do not underestimate Bush in the debates.
*laughs hysterically at self*

Well, I guess that's one for Kerry tonight. Wow, the difference in intellect, articulation, and ability to bring facts to the table, I have to say I truly enjoyed listening to Kerry tonight.
Ya, I was actually Laughing Out Loud.

Although, I have been reading about all the die-hard Bush supporters raving how Kerry got his ass handed to him tonight. I don't know if they were watching the same debates as you and I but wtf? My jaw was lying on the floor in awe at the ineptness of Bush's debating skills/public eloquentness. The guy was fumbling over his own words, repeating himself to the point of redundancy, and kept straying from the original questions, leading the listener down a dead end road.

Not that I am a Kerry supporter either but he did very well tonight and surprised me with his posteur and composure tonight. Never being disrespectful, as the president did a few times, and answering the questions directly and eloquently. I do agree with his diplomacy agenda to a point and taking care of Numero Uno first, but that's about it.

Seems Bush was making more of a plee than an argument. I cannot wait until the domestic debates coming up.
Absolutely. That was a slam dunk debate tonight. Bush repeatedly looked pissed, agitated and downright uncomfortable. Not to mention that little blunder "The enemy attacked us..." Yeah, Al-Qaeda, not Iraq... fucking baboon. Wait, that's insulting to them.

And this debate was all on stuff Bush was supposed to ace. Can't wait for the following debates on issues that are Kerry's for sure. I also liked how Kerry turned Bush's own strategy against him, i.e. repeating messages over and over. VERY EFFECTIVE me thinks. :worship:
Doomcifer said:
Although, I have been reading about all the die-hard Bush supporters raving how Kerry got his ass handed to him tonight.
Of course, this is the common knee jerk reaction who would still vote for Bush had he turned up and just taken a massive dump up on stage (which would have been an improvement based on his credibility tonight).

My jaw was lying on the floor in awe at the ineptness of Bush's debating skills/public eloquentness. The guy was fumbling over his own words, repeating himself to the point of redundancy, and kept straying from the original questions, leading the listener down a dead end road.
Kerry was debating against a scratched record. To this minute, I still have no clue what Bush's retort was on 'nuculur proliferation'.

Not that I am a Kerry supporter either but he did very well tonight and surprised me with his posteur and composure tonight. Never being disrespectful, as the president did a few times, and answering the questions directly and eloquently. I do agree with his diplomacy agenda to a point and taking care of Numero Uno first, but that's about it.
I'm more of a Kerry supporter tonight compared to where I stood 3 hours ago. It's not necessarily Kerry's point of view, it's that Bush is SUCH a complete idiot, how could you POSSIBLY vote for this chimp?

Seems Bush was making more of a plee than an argument. I cannot wait until the domestic debates coming up.
Man I want to get these debates on DVD. This is better than the Star Wars trilogy. :loco:
You know what it is about Kerry? He instilled some confidence in that here you have a potential leader who isn't going to be a complete embarrasment when it comes to foreign policy. You just know that all the foreign leaders all laugh at Bush during summit meetings and then flush his head down the toilet or give him wedgies.
Also, Kerry stood taller and his posture and expressions exhuded strength, whereas Bush looked like he did not want to be there or, like PJ said, downright uncomfortable. The psychological effect that body language has on people's judgement goes a long way IMO.
You know, I could have sworn that I read somewhere that split screening would not be allowed -- in other words, we weren't supposed to be seeing one candidate's expressions/body language while the other was talking. CNN split the screen almost immediately.

I think the camera angle on Bush was really unfortunate. All you saw was his head behind the podium. They should have given him a box or something, or high heels.
As much as I would like Bush out of the office, I have a feeling he will win again.
Kerry is a good guy but he is doing too much finger pointing.

Also what I noticed is that Bush likes to look into the camera while Kerry was looking at the moderator ... as an ex salesman, I can tell you that even I was being "sold" so to speak and had to smack myself a few times and snap out of it
lurch70 said:
Also what I noticed is that Bush likes to look into the camera while Kerry was looking at the moderator ... as an ex salesman, I can tell you that even I was being "sold" so to speak and had to smack myself a few times and snap out of it
Wow, I found the complete opposite. I was actually really enjoying Kerry craft his segments together, drawning from facts, speaking like someone who's spent the last 20 years in world politics. It was actually quite refreshing to see someone up there with a brain between their ears.

Some of Bush's inarticulate statements, awfully painful prolonged silences, looks of dumbfoundedness and panic actually made me cringe in embarrasment. And it didn't stop because he just kept going on and on about the same thing.

Notice how Kerry didn't even "umm" or "aar" once. Just a good speaker overall I felt, yes, he earned himself a beer or two. He has nailed the art of debate for sure, but then he actually has a college education which always helps.
i think maybe I was not clear ... I am not saying that Bush sold me ... I am saying that he was definetelly using "sales" skills to drive his points across to the unsuspecting masses.

He definetelly is well schooled in these skills and can affect people that basically can be "hypnotized" so to speak by this. Bush was definetelly talking to the ... well ... more "basic" US Citizen.

Kerry was by all means more articulate and definetelly well spoken not to mention very presidential ... but ... and this is a big BUT ... I think a little too stiff and probably went over the head of the average Joe.
to add a little more to the above ... Bush was more visual and Kerry was more verbal ...
Also, Kerry definetelly came across as more of a "softy" ... not something that comes across well with middle America ... fortunatelly I don't think many of them go out voting (or do they?)
Oh ok, yeah then I agree somewhat. Kerry probably reached the more educated masses, whereas dumb hicks in the middle of a field somewhere probably appreciated Bush's monosyllabic verbiage.