Another sign I'm getting old.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Went to Guitar Center today to get some cables for ze drum mics, played several basses including a Warwick Corvette ("It will be mine, oh yes! It will be mine"), talked to the dude to get my cables, pay for the shitz on a credit card and he asks for my ID, a DMV photo of me taken when I was 18. Anyone carding me for smokes & beer always says how no way does it look like me, and it doesn't. But this time was special:

him: "whoa, that doesn't even look like you!"
me: "yeah, it's a pretty old picture, from 1997 I guess."
him: "damn, in '97 I was 11 years old."

Not that I care really, it's just sorta different.
One Inch Man said:
Went to Guitar Center today to get some cables for ze drum mics, played several basses including a Warwick Corvette ("It will be mine, oh yes! It will be mine"), talked to the dude to get my cables, pay for the shitz on a credit card and he asks for my ID, a DMV photo of me taken when I was 18. Anyone carding me for smokes & beer always says how no way does it look like me, and it doesn't. But this time was special:

him: "whoa, that doesn't even look like you!"
me: "yeah, it's a pretty old picture, from 1997 I guess."
him: "damn, in '97 I was 11 years old."

Not that I care really, it's just sorta different.
in '97 I was 11 years old :D
Lee_B said:
Just wait for the grey pubes. They're a lot of fun...
Oh aye, I'm sure that's coming soon. I've been plucking a few grey hairs on my head each month this year, first time that's happened on a regular basis. Just hope I never go bald. *knock on wood*

I'm pretty sure Marksveld is the youngest dude here.
because something snaps inside you once you hit 20. You feel less of an urge to be a young prick, and this driving desire to be an old asshole.

I should know, i'm rowing the same boat. I think i'm gonna aim for immature white trash during my 20s, i dunno... we'll see where the winds of beer take me.
I agree with Tully, fuck that. I still go around acting like an idiot as I did at 20, I just have more bills now.
The Slough Feg guy is my new hero, what with being 35 and still not having a family or giving a shit about anything other than heavy metal
At one of the old places where I worked me, a dude and one of our supervisors were having a smoke and talking about clubbing. The dude was saying how he started going clubbing in 1994 and me and the supervisor were like "shit, I was still in/just finishing primary school back then". The dude freaked out a little bit, he was all "the fuck, how old are you guys anyway?!?!". I'm 19, the supervisor turned out to be 21, and the dude turned out to be knocking on 30 or something. I was a little spun out by that as well, I think it turned out we all thought we were in our mid-20s or something :loco:
One Inch Man said:
him: "whoa, that doesn't even look like you!"
me: "yeah, it's a pretty old picture, from 1997 I guess."
him: "damn, in '97 I was 11 years old."

Not that I care really, it's just sorta different.

Meh, that's not a sign of you getting old, that's a sign of he being fucking young. The glass is half-full damnit!!!