Another song for you to crit :)

That tone is killer, what was your chain for it? And personally i like the level of the vocals.
I've posted it before, just: NS - 808 - NS - Treadplate - Treadplate Cab w/ condenser 67 (i think) - Compressor in the pod farm chain. And then just a lot of EQ and Maximizer for presence. It's actually the same tone as i used in my previous song, just a slight cut at 3,4 kHz. It may also be that i use a different guitars with passive Seymour Duncan pick ups instead of EMG 81's. EMG seems to make it kinda harsh and honky.
Sounds pretty damn good to me! Bass is just a little too present behind the guitar tone for my taste. Sounds very Brian Hood.

Thanks brutha, i might agree about the bass tone. I really like to have that gritty tone though on heavy parts but i will automate the high freq track to make it less present on he chorus and stuff. Barely know who he is but i listened to some of his bands and i can definitely here some similarities, especially hiss bass and guitar tone :)