another view on this whole situation.


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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what if john bush told them he wanted a year off and gave them his blessing to do this reunion,where would u stand then,everybody is assuming john has been shafted but none of us could possibly know what goes on in the anthrax machine,or worse still what if scott and charlie were a little pissed that he wants so much time off and thought they may as well utilise the time wisely and do something special for the fans!
As I said in another thread, whatever Anthrax wants to do, who are we to stop them? I would be sad if John was out for good, but the fact is, I don't know. The problem is, why can't the band just tell us the facts? We've had months of fighting on these boards, and look and the pages and pages of threads devoted to specualation. Scott has said "John and Rob are still part of the Anthrax family", but what the fuck does that mean?
I still think there is a lot we don't know, and probably will never know of the situation. Maybe their hands are tied, maybe its a way of getting out of the current record deal to move on to a better label, maybe John needs a break (who could blame him), maybe its just down to money. Until the truth is told, we'll never know.
But if John needed a break, than they probably would have mentioned it during the conference. I hope he needs a break, because what kind of cold hearted bastard fires someone who just became a dad?
mrthrax said:
what if john bush told them he wanted a year off and gave them his blessing to do this reunion,where would u stand then,everybody is assuming john has been shafted but none of us could possibly know what goes on in the anthrax machine,or worse still what if scott and charlie were a little pissed that he wants so much time off and thought they may as well utilise the time wisely and do something special for the fans!

John Bush did NOT want a year off.
i bet it went like this:

$cott-Congrats on being a father.

John-Thanks man.

$cott-Oh by the way, you're fired.
I have to laugh when there´s actually a lot of people saying "John wanted this to happen, he wants to spend some time with his family..." etc. It´s complete bullcrap. First off, would you like to be fired from your job when you have a newborn kid, thus you NEED SOME FUCKING MONEY? Secondly, had it been like this, we would have known it from John first. Number three, let´s not jump into conclusions, but Mr.Jdelpi´s posts say it all when you reed them properly.
And there was almost NO mention of John in the statements.
Say what you want. But I bet anything that John was fired, stabbed in the back, he´s pissed off and doesn´t want to have anything common with his "Anthrax family" at the moment.