Anoying hippie pagan hessian cunts.

Dec 27, 2004
I dunno about elseware, but here in MA, especially on the North-Shore near Salem, there are so many of these annoying little cunts. I thought "U MUZT TURN TO JEZUZ" Christians where anoying....oh man, these little bastards are at least on par with them. I've never met such gullible weak minded anoying people, and all they want to do is show you how fucking pagan they are, like I actually care and think it makes them cool. Does anyone have this plague around them?


I live in Yuppie-ville (as MadeInNewJersey mentioned before)
so no, we don't have those around, although I am familiar with the type...
(and yeah Tully, definitely they deserve one big :yuk: )
We do have a lot of yuppies though....
Hootie and the Blowfish here are considered to be "alternative rock"
Claws of Perdition said:
in these here parts, we mainly have the "jock" type wankers who think every metal head they see is "goth" and proceed to walk 100 metres away then yell there "insults" at you :mad:

we call them spides here, in the south of ireland- knackers, kind of like the english chav
fucking scum
Décadent said:
We call them "drunk" over here.

They call me drunk too, but I don't hurl insults at wierdos and mexicans, or anyone for that matter.
Ok, I probably would hurl insults at Claws.
Haha, remember that bogan who thought my Satyricon shirt said Sepultura, and proceeded to argue that Pantera > Sepultura? People are dumb.
That guy was dumber than most, fucking cowboy. Remember the Mulllet fella at the Red Paintings? These people are destroying my idealistic worldview.
We had the "pagan society" at my university. They weren't particularly annoying, but had some pretty odd people as members.

unhinged said:
we call them spides here, in the south of ireland- knackers, kind of like the english chav
fucking scum

This whole "chav" thing that's supposedly going on in this country is utterly ridiculous. Even that term annoys me.