Anoying hippie pagan hessian cunts.

Demilich said:
didn't you recently post a pic of yourself wearing a leather jacket, black jeans, a black band t-shirt and long hair?

yeah. well... thats partially an image thing, mostly just for fun... I've always liked leather, my cousin has a leather jacket, he hates metal.

I've worn these colors almost exclusively since I was 6 (refused to wear others): black, grey, dark green, dark blue, red, some white. Hence the "black band t-shirt".

I go have fun with my friends int he band shirts, I look like a murderous psycopath with short hair, I like my long hair anyway, and most of my shirts (75%) are actually comedy t-shirts that I bought for $10 at places like Randy River.
that said... I probably do look like a bandwagon jumper... but how about the pictures of me with various comedy t-shirts and black jeans and black leather jacket? or metal shirt, baggy jeans and a plaid button-up redneck collared shirt?
haha, i'm just explaining my viewpoint... also...

if I was trying to look "methul" why would I love to do retarded shit like this: (that's 2 plastic lighstabers)
I actually met a 'hippie pagan hessian' chick this last week while I was hitting up the chi-town. Ironically, she was from Boston Mass. Thing is, she was cool as hell. Hung out with her and she let me get my fix playing her acoustic guitar (heh, here it comes).

Furious B said:
I actually met a 'hippie pagan hessian' chick this last week while I was hitting up the chi-town. Ironically, she was from Boston Mass. Thing is, she was cool as hell. Hung out with her and she let me get my fix playing her acoustic guitar (heh, here it comes).


Judging by the looks alone that is a very different character then what im talking about.

I'm talking about people that wear shirts like this .



EDIT: In fact, now that I've posted those shirts, I'm sure most of you know the EXACT type of people I'm talking about. That could have been my whole first post. Just those shirts.
Erik said:

classic :lol:

actually I wear black pretty much all the time
but I don't think I look like a goth
I think theres more to the goth look
you need disproportionate boots (my shoes are slip on)
and of course an ankle length leather coat to wear at all times especially in mid summer and possibly in bed
Judging by the looks alone that is a very different character then what im talking about.

I'm talking about people that wear shirts like this .



EDIT: In fact, now that I've posted those shirts, I'm sure most of you know the EXACT type of people I'm talking about. That could have been my whole first post. Just those shirts.
lol nixon
Haha, and its also slang for dirty white trash metalheads with mullets. And seems to think its some fucking cultural movement to.