ANSWERS to the Halloween Quiz!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Here are the answers to the Halloween Quiz:

1. "Halloween" is celebrated on the eve of what Christian holiday?
A.St. Swithin's Day
B.Guy Fawkes Day
C.Cinco de Mayo
D.All Saints Day
E.Feast of the Tabernacle

2."Halloween originated from a festival celebrated by what ancient European tribe?
A.The Druids
B.The Celts
C.The Huns
D.The Goths
E.The Visigoths

3. What "phobia" do you suffer from if you have an intense fear of Halloween?

4. In Ireland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o-lantern?
A. A Turnip
B. A potato
C. A Pumpkin
D. A Cabbage
E. A Tomato

5. What famous celebrity did not die on Halloween?
A. Federico Fellini
B. Harry Houdini
C. Michael Landon (he was born on that day)
D. River Phoenix
E. Indira Gandhi

6.William Henry Pratt was a famous actor known for his starring roles in monster/horror films. He was better known as?
A.John Carradine
B.Bela Lugosi
C.Vincent Price
D.Lon Channey
E.Boris Karloff

7.In some parts of New England, Halloween is known as?
A. Candy Night
B. Pumpkin Night
C. Tricksters Night
D. Cabbage Night (for the cabbage stumps they smeared windows with)
E. Devil's Night

8. In what country did the act of putting on a costume for Halloween originate?
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Germany
D. Ireland
E. United States

9. The Salem witch trials of 1692 were the result of?
A. A Series of Cattle Mutilations
B. Crop Circles
C. A Curse on the Town
D. A Hillside Vision
E. A Child's Prank

10.What does the number 7 have to do with werewolves?
A. Must be the seventh son of the seventh son
B. They have seven toes on each foot
C. They have seven fingers on each hand
D. They have an upside down 7 on the top of their scalp
E. It take 7 branchs of wolfbane and 7 silver bullets to kill them

11. How many songs does the CO2 effect happen in a typical "Iron Maidens" set?
A. 5
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 8

12. What brand of beer does Sara "Mini Murray" like to have on stage by her amplifier during a show?
A. Pabst Blue Ribbon
B. Hamm's
C. Heneiken
D. Bud
E. Amstel Lite

13. Josephine "Adrianne Smith" in real life is married to what well known horror film director?
A. John Carpenter
B. Ed Wood
C. George Romero
D. Wes Craven
E. Danny Draven

14. What is Wanda "Steph Harris's" middle name?
A. Adela
B. Blanche
C. Francien
D. Consuelo
E. Maria
(Sorry, we promised not to tell)

15. Linda "Nikki McBurrain" is endorsed by Paiste cymbals and Vic Firth drum sticks. What other company is she endorsed by?
A. Remo
B. Tama
C. Drum WorkShop
D. Aquarian
E. Pearl

16.What is Jen "Bruce Chickenson's" beverage of choice before a show to help with her voice?
A. Absinthe
B. Ice Water
C. Beer
D. Lemon, Honey & Hot Water
E. Peppermint Tea

17. Which Iron Maidens member has meet more of the original Iron Maiden members than anyone else?
A. Sara
B. Jenny
C. Josephine
D. Wanda
E. Linda (Met all 6 and Clive Burr)

18. Who does the voice in the middle of "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" in an Iron Maidens set ?
A. Eddie
B. Bill Warren
C. Mark Dawson
D. Smylex
E. Bill Finn

19. Who is the most "pummeled" member of the Iron Maidens Crew?
A. Bill Finn
B. Mark Dawson
C. Smylex (Nightly with "Tap the Smylex")
D. Bill Warren
E. Chris Knudson

20.What would The Iron Maidens Favorite "topping" be if applied to Mr. Toast?
A. Butter
B. Cheese
C. Jam or Jelly
D. Anchovies
E. Marmalade

And there you have it!
"Yay!" exclaimed Special Ed.

And, contrary to popular mis-usage, "Samhain" is not pronounced "Sam Hane," (who is this Sam Hane guy, anyway?) it's pronounced like the word "sewing" minus the "g" at the end. This should hopefully set the Danzig fans on their collective ears when they find out that they've been mispronouncing this word for years.

Other trivia: Halloween is derived from "All Hallows Even," or "The Eve of All Saints," a holiday incorporated into the Christian calendar in their attempts to sway the Celts from their religion. Halloween was the festival of Samhain and was the height of the fall equinox. The veil between the living and the dead was thought to be very thin, hence the use of Jack-O-Lanterns in order to scare off spirits.
