Anthrax biography?

Dec 16, 2002
Are there any really good anthrax bios on the web somewhere I could read? I'm a relatively new fan of the band, saw the Maximum Rock PPV and was hooked. I couldn't beleive I didn't check them out earlier. They are now one of my favorite bands...and I'd like to read more about their history. I know basic stuff, and saw the behind the music, but I'd like to read more.
good to see u posting dude,u will have alot of fun getting your hands on each album and so forth.

u should also check out s.o.d which was a side band they started back in 85,very heavy very funny!!!

charlie and scott were inthe band as well as the first thrax bassist dan lilker as well as the loudmouth billy milano.

another good way to find out more about them would be there home videos and live performances such as n.f.v,p.o.v and so on.
Originally posted by mrthrax
good to see u posting dude,u will have alot of fun getting your hands on each album and so forth.

u should also check out s.o.d which was a side band they started back in 85,very heavy very funny!!!

charlie and scott were inthe band as well as the first thrax bassist dan lilker as well as the loudmouth billy milano.

another good way to find out more about them would be there home videos and live performances such as n.f.v,p.o.v and so on.
actually i've got all the albums :)