Anthrax in trouble...

I retract my previous response to Anarchy X on a different redeyes post; "gear page?" apologies, I had no idea that redeyes is some stoned stupid fuck that doesn't know shit about the history of one of thrashes almightiest pioneers.
Originally posted by Phxthrax
I retract my previous response to Anarchy X on a different redeyes post; "gear page?" apologies, I had no idea that redeyes is some stoned stupid fuck that doesn't know shit about the history of one of thrashes almightiest pioneers.


Don't worry about it.
Originally posted by redeyes
so do you ever talk about anthrax? or is this the usual blather i need to get used to

Get used to it, or get the hell out. You don't have to read or respond to non-anthrax posts, slapass, now get the hell off the board.
Please people PLEASE!!!

Let us all be patient.
the almighty Anthrax has promised to come for us all!!
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
When you've already waited four years for something, what's another few months? Not everyone has a short attention span. I could give a shit who buys it and who doesn't. I know I'm buying it and if other people want to, great, if not, you can't do anything about it anyway.

How many threads like this are there going to be anyway??? This one is by far not the first.

I have to agree with Thraxdude a bit. The biggest hype, let´s face it, was after the whole "anthrax scare". Everyone in the world knew there is a band called Anthrax. Even the big musical ignorants, I know it, even in here. I seriously believe this whole thing helped their album sales. Now it´s dying out a bit.
Brat you should wish everyone in the world bought their new album. because if only you, me and few hardcore thraxheads buy new album, there WON´T BE ANOTHER ONE.
I agree Johnnie, but I've never been one to give a shit what other people are doing. And I don't pretend to know what's going to happen next month, let alone years from now. Whatever happens is going to happen whether we have 100 whining threads about it or not.
I actually don´t give a shit either, but this is my secret fish (with a little selfish bit on it - I really want to have next album after this one :) )