Anthrax mentioned in Phx Hard Rock Cafe commercial...FUCKERS!!


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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I was in the truck on the way home and heard this commercial. First they said that there are good moves and bad moves in rock. Then something like "Having Michael Jackson promote your soft drink, good move. Lighting his hair on fire, bad move." Then something about Madonna dropping f-bombs on Letterman, blah blah blah. Then "Or how about naming your band Anthrax? In hindsight, probably not the best move." Bastards. Then they go into how relocating the Phoenix Hard Rock is just the greatest thing in the history of the world. I don't even know where the hell they moved to because we parked and shut the truck off. I know where it used to be, but the last I heard it wasn't moving. So goes to show how lost I am. They have some cool Pantera shit and of course Megadeth, but that's about the most metal I saw the last time I was there. It's been a few years now. Anywho, just thought I'd pass that along.
I have seen some slightly mellower rock concerts there. It is okay. I wouldn't mind seeing Anthrax anywhere in Arizona, even in someone's back yard. I need to see Anthrax again as I am going thru withdrawals:eek:
At the Hard Rock or HOB?? I only went to the Hard Rock for lunch a couple times a few years ago. No concerts or anything though. Do you know where they moved it? I didn't hear the end of the commercial. They talked about it on the news forever, but the last I heard was it was staying put. Is it still near Biltmore? I can't imagine it leaving that part of town. Anthrax withdrawl sucks ass, as there is only one cure and I don't see it happening for at least another six months. :cry:
They mentioned Anthrax on the radio?
I got an e-mail reply from one of the guys at your local radio station saying he'll try playing Anthrax on the radio.
We have a poor excuse for a rock station but everyone does. We have 300 plus sunny days and you can visit snow but not have to shuvel it or drive in it.

We do have psycho drivers that light to weave in and out of traffic. Thank god, we don't get alot of bad weather.

we are getting the crown/darkest hour/and the band with former members of shadows fall.

we are getting the iced earth/in flames tour.

Who cares about ozzfest? Ozzy sure hasn't since he let his son influence who will play.

There is still so much open land to go have fun with that is outside the city limits plus I like the people.

I wish that the freeways would be done and we would have the light rail transit system already though.

Hey, The Coyotes are fun to watch and are improving every day so Brat princess don't put it all on the d-backs, although we all hope they will repeat. Who cares about the Suns? The cardinals even seemed to improve under our new coach so we will see.

We help to bring alot of good heavy concerts to arizona, NOT CREED!! through AMJ concerts. go to and go to their contacts to tell them what tours you want here or go to the board. They don't bring the ozzfest shows as those are big priced shows but they did try to bring anthrax here alone on an off day of the judas priest tour and they bring the punk and underground metal tours.

I am also freakysean on that board.
I'm not asking for the Stanley Cup, but would round 2 kill anyone?? Freeways won't be done til people stop moving here. 101 was supposed to be the "outer loop" yet it goes right through the middle of everything because they built up all around it. I don't leave the city much, I don't have time for it. Once in a while on my husband's day off, but that's about all. The 300+ days of sun are EXACTLY what I don't like about it here. It gets hotter every year. I've had my a/c for weeks now, and I never had to use it before March before. The Coyotes would be a lot more fun to watch if they didn't change their entire roster every year. I can count on one hand how many players that did anything decent last year that are still here now. I gave up on concerts, because no one comes that I want to see. If Anthrax comes, I'll be there, but I gotta tell ya, that's it. I've spent a fortune in the past and I've got other things to spend on. AMJ sounds decent because I fucking hate the shows that cost $50-100 just to walk in the door, I don't care who the hell it is. I only mentioned the dbacks because they're the only ones with a title of anything, so of course we have everyone who jumped on the bandwagon and are now the world's biggest dbacks fans even though they didn't know Randy Johnson from their neighbor down the street til six months ago. Cardinals are gonna blow until Bidwell's not the owner anymore, that's all there is to it. I remember my radio station on Long Island not sucking, but I left in 95 and things have changed since then, so it might suck now. Drivers are DEFINITELY worse in the rain. Which is stupid because everyone here came from somewhere else where they DO get a lot of rain. Maybe they forgot?? OzzFest had decent lineups a few years ago. I think the last couple have been pretty predictable though. And I've found that for every cool person I know, I've met a thousand others I'd rather not know. I can't wait to get out of here. Even a shitty town with decent weather is better than this. Just my opinion though.
I understand what your saying, I myself can't stand the heat! My girlfriend and I went to Arizona(Tucson) a year ago and I could not stand the heat! But now I'm in Utah and people always ask me "How the hell can you stand that cold?!" So either you in a Really hot, or Really Cold enviroment! Maybe you should try Seattle, the only thing that is bad there is it does rain alot! But look at the bright side, you don't have to shovel Rain(like snow) and it doesn't get too hot during the summer(Like your in a torture chamber). If I had enough my druthers I'd be back in Seattle! I still miss New York though.
LOL it's not rain that bothers me, it's humidity.

I have bad knees (my doctor actually gave it a name but I can't even say it, let alone spell it-just no cure, no surgery, it'll get worse as I get older, take some Celebrex when it gets bad...gee no wonder he makes the big bucks...) so I can't move to Seattle. I pondered it for a while because at my last job, the corportate offce was in Seattle (Bothell, then Lynnwood) but I just can't do the rain. You'd think Phoenix would be good for me cause it's so dry, but no, either my knees just suck or it's a lot more humid here than the weatherman likes to say. 14% my ass, gotta say. I've never been to Tucson, but I can't imagine it's much different from here, although I notice during the summer they're a few degrees hotter than here (EWWWW!!!). The best time to be in AZ is Nov-Feb. That's it!! LOL
I hate to be the person that gives bad news but one should know things about the place they are going to live beforehand. I knew full well of the weather beforehand. I hated, absolutely hated, the rain, grey days, 90 degree heat, 90 percent humidity of the midwest(Detroit) and the east. I LOVE the heat of ARizona. Sure, the ocean could be alittle closer but it is a short drive away. The freeways aren't built because Arizona was in big DENIAL as if they didn't think people wouldn't all move here in large numbers. They are so tight with their tax money for things like public transportation, yet are state taxes are going up again.

The coyotes haven't made the 2nd round since the late eighties in Winnipeg so we haven't had half the suffering as their old Winnipeg fans. I just know that I am a hockey MANIAC. Of course, I come from Detroit and I love my coyotes. They are playing so well this year without all the highpriced babies(JR and Keith).

We get alot of good heavy underground concerts. They usually come to Bostons or Mason Jar. If all people are looking for are the big overpriced Ozzfest type shows, they would be going to the wrong ones.

Alot of the Cardinals problem is bidwell, it also has to do with playing in a college stadium where they don't get as much money to compete with the big teams for better players. Plus, it is tough to play in 100 degree September weather. The new stadium will fix this part.:eek:
You're not giving me any bad news. I knew it was hot here before I moved here, but as I already stated, I have bad knees and humidity is not good for me, which is why I left NY. i also had to get out of NY for other personal reasons. However, anything over 105 is just plain hot, humidity or not, regardless of where you live. I don't consider 26-22-8 to be a good season, with or without high priced players. It's better than a lot of teams are doing right now, but nothing to get excited about. Those state taxes go for employees raises, not highways, so you're right on that one. I've been to the Mason Jar a few times, but that fence they put in a couple years ago kind of bothers me, like what the hell goes on in there anyway?? I'm also not into places that have black floors, walls and ceilings. Places do that in NY too (every place I've been to anyway), but it feels like I'm at a funeral, not someplace I'm supposed to be pumped about being in. Again, that could have changed, it's been a couple years since I was in there. If you consider a six hour drive to San Diego short, more power to you. I haven't gone there in a few years either, but it is a halfway decent drive and a fun-filled weekend if you plan it right. The daylight savings thing is kind of stupid too, but I got used to that after my first year here. It just sucks having so many friends and family back east, the time zone changing twice a year. Oh well. Oh and if the Cardinals can't play in 100 degree September weather, than they should have followed your advice and not moved here either. And that's fine for the first part of the season, but what's their excuse for November??
I will agree that over 108 is pretty kooky. San diego is only 5 hours away on a bad day. LA is 6 because of that stupid traffic you hit once you hit san bernadino.

I will take concerts anywhere I can get them, even in a barn.

How often do you watch the coyotes? I go to almost all of them and they are very entertaining and improved. Yes, they aren't my Red Wings but who are? They sure are better than your old Rangers:lol:

The Cardinals do have to get over that idiot owner thing but they are handicapped alot cost wise as they are the only team dumb enough to play in a college stadium for year after year. they need that new stadium.

I am so psyched as I am seeing the opening US date of Dream theater on thursday at the web theater. 3 hours of all their music. YES!!!:eek:
I watched every Coyotes game last season (pregnant the whole season, gave birth during playoffs). I only went to a few games live, but I saw them all on TV. This season, I've caught a few games on channel 6 but it was never anything to keep me watching. I watch the sports bit on the news every night. They're okay, I guess. I never said the Rangers were anything, either ya know!! :p They suck ass too but they have the most loyal fans ever. It is completely normal for parents in NY to leave their kids somewhere until the game is over rather than miss some of the game to go pick them up. It happened to almost every person I know. Girls stuck at their boyfriends' houses til midnight on a school night cause oh shit the Devils are in town. Not that any of them minded...:eek: I only went to San Diego once. I hated the drive because I felt like I would be stuck in those damn mountains forever. It was cool once we got there. I don't know how fast you drive, but my husband was flooring it, and we took about six hours. I think we stopped though, maybe that was it. I'll catch a show when Anthrax comes back, until then, I'm staying home.

Well, I live or die hockey and the coyotes have been so fun to watch. It feels like the many years I watched detroit during their down years before they turned it around and became the monster they are today.
I HATE everything New YOrk except New york hardcore music. I loved abusing the yankee fans after game 7.
That is all I have had to put up with since the attacks on the trade center, lets root for all new york teams so they can have something to be happy about:rolleyes:
I can't wait for the coyotes to make the playoffs and push it farther so that the people here can experience the best playoffs in all of sports, stanley cup playoffs and let the whiteout move on past the first round.

You do seem to have that New york attitude, all mad at everything:p :eek: It has been nice having the conversation
Is this the ANTHRAX messge board or the LETS ALL BITCH ABOUT THE WEATHER message board?


I'm glad to see ppl talking about their lives....there's only so much you can say about ANTHRAX w/out getting bored...just human nature.

I hope the THRASHERS rule ass this upcoming season.
I'm so sick of the BRAVES, HAWKS, and FALCONS...I could fucking puke!:puke:
first off, this is only one link on this board and if you don't like it you don't have to even open it up let alone respond.

Second, I like talking to the bratprincess.

third, I will comply with your complaint for just a second. Lets talk Anthrax. Okay, here it goes. Anthrax, Come to Arizona!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Originally posted by freakysean
first off, this is only one link on this board and if you don't like it you don't have to even open it up let alone respond.

Second, I like talking to the bratprincess.

third, I will comply with your complaint for just a second. Lets talk Anthrax. Okay, here it goes. Anthrax, Come to Arizona!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Hold on junior....take a joke will ya?
I'm an old friend of Heidis'....aka BRATPRINCESS.
Your MILANOesque testosterone powered scare tactics fall on deaf ears.