Anthrax needs to hang them up

The thing is, with album reviews, you need some set-in time before you make your opinions. For example, when I first heard Volume 8, I fucking hated it. I picked it up again about a year or so ago, and now I really love the album! Although, to say it's their "best ever" is jumping the gun, eh? WCFYA is quite the awesome album, but before you jump on the soapbox and declare it best ever or worst ever, you might want to let that "new record" feel wear off, so you can get a firm opinion on the music itself. Then you won't have that over-exciting vibe from it being the hailing return of the heroes, or that still-angry letdown thing going, either. IMO, making opinions on music should be best done when you can really get a listen, without outside feelings bombarding you.

But, I'm rambling like a philosophy professor...
Sgt-D said:
The thing is, with album reviews, you need some set-in time before you make your opinions. For example, when I first heard Volume 8, I fucking hated it. I picked it up again about a year or so ago, and now I really love the album! Although, to say it's their "best ever" is jumping the gun, eh? WCFYA is quite the awesome album, but before you jump on the soapbox and declare it best ever or worst ever, you might want to let that "new record" feel wear off, so you can get a firm opinion on the music itself. Then you won't have that over-exciting vibe from it being the hailing return of the heroes, or that still-angry letdown thing going, either. IMO, making opinions on music should be best done when you can really get a listen, without outside feelings bombarding you.

But, I'm rambling like a philosophy professor...

An excellent point. After five years, we've been starved for a new album. That's going to have two possible effects:

1. The "When you're starving and somebody throws you a cracker" effect, where it gets considered as their best ever when it's really just average.

2. The "Can't possibly live up to all the hype and expectations" effect, where people call it their worst album, when it's really much better than that.

While I don't think it's their worst album, I'm probably closer to the second option than the first. After all the hype and the wait, I felt a little let down. SOWN and Volume 8 blew me away from the first listen, but even then, they got better with each listening and continue to be two of my favorite albums of all time. When I first listened to Stomp, I thought it was average, but over time, it grew to be what I consider the third best album released in the 90's. WCFYA didn't blow me away, and after two months, my opinion hasn't changed. That's not to say it won't, but at this point, it will probably continue to rate as my fourth favorite album with Bush, and fifth favorite Thrax album behind ATL. It will be interesting to see what we all say about the album a few years from now when an even newer album comes out. :hypno:
GregadetH said:
Well, I found this ditty that was posted before my triumphant return to tha board....and my answer is as follows.

I don't agree w/ this fellow, but I think the band released a song aikin to what is happening on this thread, and it goes a little sumthin' like this....
''You can't censor my feelings. You can't censor my thoughts. Censorship's against everything that America stands for, you fuckin' whore - that's all you are."

Take his pile of turd opinion w/ a grain of salt.
Anyhow he's obviously full of himself (WITH MY BEST YALE SNOB VOICE) " as he writes like a rhodes scholar on the topic of ANTHRAX"

Goddamn, that was a novel of an had like 17 volumes to read through.... :Spin:

Uhm, yeah, THANKS for bringing it back too...
hey nff,i think its gonna take a live anthrax show to get u hooked on this record,i had a similar prob with vulgar display of power which most people still today think is there best effort,vulgar done absolutely nothing for me until i heard a few of the songs live!
mrthrax said:
hey nff,i think its gonna take a live anthrax show to get u hooked on this record,i had a similar prob with vulgar display of power which most people still today think is there best effort,vulgar done absolutely nothing for me until i heard a few of the songs live!
Well, if you can talk them into playing Edmonton, I'll be the first one there. :grin:
Ok, everyone else has stated an opinion so here is mine. I don't think it's the best but I think it is very good. It hasn't been out of my cars cd player since I got it except to save it on my computer. The only song I skip is superhero. I don't really care for think about an end that much either but it doesnsn't get skiped as much. It took me a few listens to like Black Dahlia too, but I'm glad I gave it a chance to grow on me. Now I look forward to hearing it.
at least he didnt say the new Metallica album was better then W.C.F.Y.A, I hope Anthrax shows the world how much talent they have and makes those who disagree with that they are the most under rated band in the world to eat their cd collection, I might have a narrow mind when it comes to Anthrax because of the fact i've been a fan of them since 1985, I like the Joey era and I enjoy the new era with John, not many other bands have the talent, love and passion as these 5 guys, or receive the respect from any member of the band from any other band, ive been meeting bands since the early nineties here in Australia, and most treat you like shit, its bands that go all out for the fans while doing what they do because of the love for the music that keeps them at the top of my list of great bands, sometimes it isnt all about the music, but behind the scenes also. I work in a cd shop and I sell alot of W.C.F.Y.A, not because of me pushing it, but because it sells itself, we have many other new releases coming back from people not liking it, I wont say album names...but it has a fist on the cover.



P.S Australian Anthrax fan page coming soon to a computer near you. Keeping the dream alive.
WoW - What a response ! I agree everyone has the right to an opinion. But hell what has this person been smoking ? For a start he didn't even pay for the damn CD, but he's got the nerve to pass judjement on something he's stolen ? ? I believe this to be one of the most defining metal albums of the last 5 years. And Thousands agree World Wide ! - " What's Understood Need Not Be Discussed "
"Safe Home"—Here we are. Here we are at "Safe Home". Bright light, white heat. Hot damn! This song, unlike previously first released songs by Anthrax, fucking rocks! This song will go far for Anthrax if it is promoted correctly. It certainly has a lot of cross-over appeal, like many others including "Black Lodge". This song is good. I could have done without the guitar break, but that can be overlooked. After all, they are a metal band and have to stick to convention.

wow... i'm surprised that out of all the songs you picked the most radio friendly and trendy song to like.... thats a little weird. I mean don't get me wrong i love it. But your argument took me off guard.