The thing is, with album reviews, you need some set-in time before you make your opinions. For example, when I first heard Volume 8, I fucking hated it. I picked it up again about a year or so ago, and now I really love the album! Although, to say it's their "best ever" is jumping the gun, eh? WCFYA is quite the awesome album, but before you jump on the soapbox and declare it best ever or worst ever, you might want to let that "new record" feel wear off, so you can get a firm opinion on the music itself. Then you won't have that over-exciting vibe from it being the hailing return of the heroes, or that still-angry letdown thing going, either. IMO, making opinions on music should be best done when you can really get a listen, without outside feelings bombarding you.
But, I'm rambling like a philosophy professor...
But, I'm rambling like a philosophy professor...