Anthrax New Album


Swollen Member
Apr 23, 2004
I was just wondering what people thought the direction of the new album should go like stay same get heavier softer etc etc???

i really like WCFYA but i would like some heavy riffs john doing some power vocals growls scream etc etc ( he such an amazing voice show it all off)
Charlie going nutts on the drums i loved some of the drum stuff on WCFYA but i want charlie to push the limits wow me like he did in the 80's las talbum had some great drum stuff but i know charlie can do more (He's The Man)
I want them to use the Pan flute (maybe have Zamfir as a guest musician) and get Ravi Shankar to play the sitar on a song. That and lots of chanting monks. OH! They could have the Wiggles do backing vocals on a song, as well. This album would be huge! It would sell 5, maybe 6 copies! And that's just in the U.S. alone. And when Metallica sees that someone can actually make a worse album than they can, they will pick Anthrax to open for them on their Sri Lankan tour. Maybe even spill over into Nepal! :headbang:

I have the feeling that the next album will be in the same direction as WCFYA, maybe a little heavier. Unless it´s the reunion album with Danny and Joey.
If they ever do a reunion with Danny and Joey, that's when I stop giving a fuck about what Anthrax is doing. I would hope that they are above that by now. John Bush is the man. And while Rob's an amazing guitarist, I like them with Danny and Paul Crook too...BUT, Rob's production is amazing. I want Rob Caggiano to produce the next album for sure, WCFYA was badass! I hope it's in the same direction as WCFYA...some shit like What Doesn't Die but even heavier and unrelenting would be badass. and I really love the really strong singalong stuff with big choruses like Safe Home too. I listened to WCFYA so much I had to put it away for fear that I'd never listen to anything else again. And now just talking about it makes me want to put in the CD. It's totally the best fucking metal album in the past 5 or 10 years (although there were some great ones)...I can't believe it hasn't done better, sales wise.
Deege said:
If they ever do a reunion with Danny and Joey, that's when I stop giving a fuck about what Anthrax is doing. I would hope that they are above that by now. John Bush is the man. And while Rob's an amazing guitarist, I like them with Danny and Paul Crook too...BUT, Rob's production is amazing. I want Rob Caggiano to produce the next album for sure, WCFYA was badass! I hope it's in the same direction as WCFYA...some shit like What Doesn't Die but even heavier and unrelenting would be badass. and I really love the really strong singalong stuff with big choruses like Safe Home too. I listened to WCFYA so much I had to put it away for fear that I'd never listen to anything else again. And now just talking about it makes me want to put in the CD. It's totally the best fucking metal album in the past 5 or 10 years (although there were some great ones)...I can't believe it hasn't done better, sales wise.

not everyone has badass taste in music thats why it didn't do better!
It's too bad WCFYA hasn't sold better. I agree that it's the best metal album of the past 5-10 years. The weakest song on WCFYA is better than the strongest song on St Anger. If Caggiano had produced St. Anger, it would have been critticaly acclaimed. He would have steered them in the right direction. It would have won all sorts of awards and metal fans would have praised Metallica for returning to form.

All Anthrax has to do is keep writing songs with structure and melody. Definitely have Scrap 60 producing again. John growling, screaming and singing his balls off would be nice for the new album as well as heavy riffs.
ok not to offend anyone but fuck st anger i havent even heard a full song and fuck metallica i gave up on them long ago and stopped wasting my time and money... a friend of mine bought st anger and brought it to me we sat in our cars comparing tracks from WCFYA and St Anger well we didnt get three songs in and stopped he says he hasnt listened to st anger since and hasnt stopped listening to WCFYA and niether have i, FUCK st anger and FUCK metallica they are the biggest imbarressment to metal, im embaresseed to say i was once a fan and they dont deserve to be put in the same catagory as the real kings of metal ANTHRAX!!! :headbang:
i'm sorry to say this... but we know who the real Kings of Metal are...

I love What Dosent Die, and i was stoked when i found out there was gonna be a video for it. and im a huge fan of Nobody Knows Anything too, i want things along the lines of those two songs, and some more badass drumms through it all, maybe something sounding a little older, back into 80's style speed metal for even just one song.
i think it will be like wcfya just heavier,i can only hope they dont follow up like they did after stomp 442,volume 8 was such a backwards step,lets hope they can top themselves,forget the boxset for now and have a year off to get fresh for a new record and get some momentum going!!!

i have actually been listening to stomp alot lately and to be honest i cant really sperate stomp and wcfya,they are both killer albums.
Steve M said:
i'm sorry to say this... but we know who the real Kings of Metal are...


You Have Got To Be Fucking Kinding Me.......MANOWAR Suck balls dude damn!!!
Anthrax & Megadeth Own

& on the topic at hand i think if the stay on the track that they are on they cant go wrong
I Don't Die said:
You Have Got To Be Fucking Kinding Me.......MANOWAR Suck balls dude damn!!!
Anthrax & Megadeth Own

& on the topic at hand i think if the stay on the track that they are on they cant go wrong
first, you are entitled to your opinon. i personally think manowar is kickass. it's all relative.

anthrax is, in fact, my favorite band and has been since i was 8.

third, it was a joke. notice the album was called kings of metal?
i guess the next album will be more of the same - wcfya vol 2 which i'm more than happy with - but if they want to try something a little different and keep us all on our toes i'm well up for that - theres not an anthrax album i haven't enjoyed and providing the band stay true to the music they believe in then they'll have my absolute support

the day any band sells out for the sake of commercial success (shitallica are you listening? no- didn't think so) they'll lose me as a fan

thats why i'm still here flying the anthrax flag after so many years
Your an idiot Metallica never sold out.
ok no doubt i'll get ripped on for saying this.. but i honestly i think they didn't sell out at all.

Listen to Anthrax they have abviously changed as well. 80's to 90's was completly different.

& so was Metallica. Justice to Black was fucking completly different.
U cant say a band sold out just because they changed they're Tone or didn't play as fast anymore. Just because they sold more albums doesn't mean they sold out.

now you'll probably say well what a bout load??....& to that i say what about LOAD it's a great album, ok its not as heavy not even as heavy as Black. but that doesn't mean they sold out
If metallica is playing what they want ot play and like waht they play now then they have not sold out, but if they are playing this crap just to sell more cd's then they did sell out. That's my opinion anyway. I own all the stuff up untill the black cd and I like a few songs here and there but I can't justify paying all that money on cd's for few songs that I likeon the cd's after black