Anthrax New Album

i dont think metallica would be too worried,they have one of the best royalty contracts out there,i think they get about 7 bucks outta every cd sold,most contract would be around 2 bucks!
Anthrax= Talent
Metallica=Sell Out
Anthrax=Never Will Sell Out
Metallica=Only in it for the Money
Anthrax=Only in it, till we stop buying
Metallica=Died in 89
Anthrax=Reborn in 93
Metallica=No matter what shit thay put out sell's Millions
Anthrax=Puts out the best cd in years and sells shit.
Metallica=Then name stays, But the music sux

I`m sure that after Polish gig* that is almost in the end of Anthrax`s EU tour, guys will be so much full of nrg that there will be nothing more to do for them than to record a fukking great record. Besides they feel the new energy of old friend, Joey Vera, I guess.

*Gary Holt of Exodus posted latest update on their board: "Poland was fucking awesome, Oslo was killer, and the city of Prague, well, you have to see it with your own eyes!"
Someone can say SOWN was a "sellout attempt" too.
I like Metallica unless it is this terrible piece of crap called St.Anger.
I still love Metallica, but there is only 3 albums that matter. Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. Throw in Dyers Eve, and thats about it for them. Load, Reload and St. Anger all suck balls, BIG TIME. There are a few good songs, Fuel, Ain't My Bitch, Frantic and St. Anger itself, but thats about it. I'm going to see them live this Friday, but after seeing 'Thrax the last two nights its gonna be a huge let down. After seeing 'Thrax play to two crowds of probably about 1,000 people each night, then to go and see Metallic play to an expected 40,000? FUCK, no comparison. Give me Anthrax any day. Metallica sold out a long time ago.
Here, here fellows. Yes Anthrax beith one of the besteth, but I worry about things. Ya know, I had the same feelings as others on the board when people were saying maybe WCFYA would be Thrax's swan song because of poor sales. Well, their sales still aren't that great and it worries me because if they're next album sells worse what happens??? A band needs to reach break even at least!
This fact alone proves that Anthrax just love music for music and God and Alla bless 'em for that!!!!

Fuck man, it sucks mega that Anthrax can't just be in the sales range of Far Beyond Driven at the moment. Come to think of it, they should sell way more than Metallica so why not 17 million.

Why don't I see Kirk Hammet wearing an Anthrax T-shirt when playing at MTV awards or Grammy's(Granny's)?????
But whenever Scott can support Metallica he does!
Just one T-shirt or mention of the lads from Anthrax in interviews by Metallica helps spread the disease for Thrax shitloads.

As far as Metallica selling out goes. When I heard that Metallica released a remastered black album type of thing DVD straight after releasing the throw it at the wall and see if it sticks shit of S&M, I gave up!! That my friends is just sitting back and counting the cash. And they did all that after releasing Garage Inc. which was basically like a re-release thing as well.
Then Metallica started reading metal message boards and sales figures and thought "let's go ATTEMPT our past and be heavy because it'll sell"!
It flopped:good!
Metallica fears Anthrax pure and simple. Sure their egos laugh and say "Ha Anthrax... we're bigger than them." But deep down, they know that Anthrax has that edge and hunger they lost long ago. Plus, Metallica don't have the chops anymore to put out thrash like they did 15 years ago. 'Thrax does. I hope the next record gets harder, faster, and complex... like P.o.T.
Agreed with JohnnyAce on the "they need to get complex like old school times. They shouldn't worry about writing singles anymore. They should worry about writing albums. Albums make great bands, little singles don't.

Disagreed with the Metallica don't have chops to do what they did in the past. If they can't play what they did in the past why are they able to do it up on stage?? :)