Anthrax publicity stunt- IDEAS??


Feb 2, 2002
Since Santuary wouldn't promote Anthrax to save their lives, I think Anthrax should have some publicity stunt to help promote WCFYA and MMD.
My idea, which I mentioned to Justin and Johnny Ace is:
Rob should date both Mary Kate and Ashley Olson. It'd be on the cover of US weekly, People magazine, Star, etc... Sales would soar.
Any other ideas?
Scott gets a nomination in "greatest jewish beard in modern rock music" at MTV-awards.

Joey Vera refuses to play any Thrax songs written before -93 and storms off stage, he´s later replaced with Jason Newsted who is replaced in Voivod by Frank Bello from Helmet who is replaced by Dan Lilker.

John Bush confirms that he is the child of a former president and WWII veteran. He claims to have found Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus and quits Anthrax. He´s reported "being ashamed of all those years playing Satans music and misleading the young". He´s now a video repairer in Munich. He´s replaced by Joey Belladona.

An erotic home video of Charlie Benante and JLO leaks on the internet, both are naked except for their WCFYA t-shirts. Marc Anthrony is reported saying "I should have seen that coming... where is Paulina Rubios number?"

Rob buys a house in Maine and finds the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa under the basement floor.
free shows,free shows

i dont know the laws in the usa but playing on the back of a open trailer type truck thru the streets of new york would surely get attention.
DarbysDad said:
Take it a step further Tad. Have Rob get caught on video doing the twins.
And make it anal for TD. :D

Haha, I think that would appeal to TD :tickled:

But anyways, being serious. To get some publicity for Anthrax, we should be a street team. Print off flyers and shit. Just spead the disease everywhere until they get popular. Theres probably at least 2 people from each state on this board so we wont have to go far to tell everyone about the greatest speed metal band ever lived.

Oh yeah, it WOULD kick ass if they played ATL live in entirety like Slayer does RIB. :headbang:
jdelpi said:
They should play the entire AMONG THE LIVING record from start to finish like Slayer has done with Reign in Blood. I know we don't like to dwell on the past too much, but it would still be cool.
maybe do that as a one off show,and do it for free and play at a place that holds 10 000 people,it aint gonna cost the band much to put the show on and they would probably get some support from radio stations as well for it being such a unique event.
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
But anyways, being serious. To get some publicity for Anthrax, we should be a street team. Print off flyers and shit. Just spead the disease everywhere until they get popular. Theres probably at least 2 people from each state on this board so we wont have to go far to tell everyone about the greatest speed metal band ever lived.

The street teamers we have are kicking ass for Anthrax. (You all rule!)
I just wish that every street teamer could recruit at least 5 other street teamers, then the Street Team might be able to help more. I wish the street team would multiply. I also wish I had 100 million dollars, I'd dontate some of that to promoting Anthrax just out of good will of my own. Seriously, since Sanctuary Records have their heads WAY up their asses.
But, as Stephen King always says, "You can wish in one hand, and shit in the other. Then see which one gets full first."

Anyway, keep the publicity stunt ideas coming. Here's another one:

During the next Super Bowl half-time show, have Scott Ian streak across the field, then jump on stage and yell some curse words into someone's mic. That'd help.
Hey thraxdude, I read on a post you put down that you are the "anthrax email answer bitch." Well since you are, instead of sending an email, im gonna ask a question on the board for all of us....

When is the site gonna get updated?? Its had the same layout FOREVER!!!

Another thing, yeah the superbowl halftime thing would kick ass!! :headbang:
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
Hey thraxdude, I read on a post you put down that you are the "anthrax email answer bitch." Well since you are, instead of sending an email, im gonna ask a question on the board for all of us....

When is the site gonna get updated?? Its had the same layout FOREVER!!!

Well, that there's a question that I'd forward to Brent[ney Spears] if I read it in the inbox. And I bet he'd delete it right away.:D
As far as I know, Brent has 3 jobs (if you include being webmaster a job). But his 2 real jobs are what pay the bills.
My prediction is, the site will be redone sometime between now and never.
I know a re-do is in the works... has been for years now.

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