Anthrax publicity stunt- IDEAS??

Aren't the MTV Hip-Hop video awards on tomorrow?

It's too late now, but John could've french kissed Britney Spears, then taken off her top, shake her boobies for a bit, then replace her top with a W.C.F.Y.A. T-shirt.
HEHEHEHE. I think the categories are:
Best Hip Hop video
Best Hard Rock/Hip Hop video
Best Hip Hop video from a motion picture
Best New Hip Hop artist
Best Rap/Hip Hop video
Best new Rap/Hip Hop artist
Best techno Hip Hop video
and best Hip Hop video of the year (from any of the above categories).

And I forgot best whiney-bitch dance video.
ThraxDude said:
Aren't the MTV Hip-Hop video awards on tomorrow?

It's too late now, but John could've french kissed Britney Spears, then taken off her top, shake her boobies for a bit, then replace her top with a W.C.F.Y.A. T-shirt.

Now THAT would have made the awards worth watching. You should be in charge.

Another Idea. Bodylouse needs to finally publish the Thrax Squad comic book and make a cartoon version as well that could air after Teen Titans on the Cartoon Network.

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