Anthrax publicity stunt- IDEAS??

How about this:
Anthrax plays a gig in NYC, like in Battery Park or somewhere. They land via helicoptor and walk out one by one for the stage. Charlie is dressed as Ringo Starr, Scott is dressed as Rick Nielson, Joey comes out dressed as himself in the Last Train Home video, John is bearfoot in a wifebeater and dockers (like Det. John McLean), and Rob is dressed as Ishahn from Emperor.

The get on stage as the blues brothers music is playing, then the "Contact" tape starts. Instead of the opening triplets to WDD, it's "I Believe in a Thing Called Love."
Either that or "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight."

You know I just realized, I haven't been active on the board for months. I've been so busy with the new house, that I haven't posted much, or gotten to street team.

That's all gonna change now!!!! I want my MTV... shit.. I mean... I want my Anthrax!!!
ThraxDude said:
Well, that there's a question that I'd forward to Brent[ney Spears] if I read it in the inbox. And I bet he'd delete it right away.:grin:
As far as I know, Brent has 3 jobs (if you include being webmaster a job). But his 2 real jobs are what pay the bills.
My prediction is, the site will be redone sometime between now and never.
I know a re-do is in the works... has been for years now.

Well that dude needs to take a few days off his other jobs and spend some time working on the site....Oh yeah...and the biography on is also in german... :erk:
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
Well that dude needs to take a few days off his other jobs and spend some time working on the site....Oh yeah...and the biography on is also in german... :erk:
He and his wife are also expecting a baby. Who really cares what the site looks like? At least it's not loaded with flash and java crap like countless other sites. I hate that shit.

Given is the German site, it's not very suprising the bio is in German.
jdelpi said:
He and his wife are also expecting a baby. Who really cares what the site looks like? At least it's not loaded with flash and java crap like countless other sites. I hate that shit.

Given is the German site, it's not very suprising the bio is in German.

Yeah but thraxdude said it was in English.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Speaking of street team, I havent recived any new Flyers yet.
Tim ran out of them. He told me he sent them all out. You must've been too late, dude.:erk:
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
Yeah but thraxdude said it was in English.
Trust me. If you go to and click on "Band". You'll see the bio. In English. I promise. At least it's in english on my PC.
ThraxDude said:
Trust me. If you go to and click on "Band". You'll see the bio. In English. I promise. At least it's in english on my PC.

Well its not on mine...could you do me a favor??? Copy and paste it onto this thread so I can read it?? Because if I want to translate something using a translator, itll have words all mixed up not making any sense....that would help a lot, dude...
Try clicking ooops
Never mind. That whole thing is in german. But click on the band members name. Did you do that?
Here's another stunt that was already done (sort of).
Painting 'ANTHRAX-W.C.F.Y.A.' on cows while they're sleeping. Scott said once that someone painted the faces of the band members on some cows. :lol:
I don't think ranchers would like having "Anthrax" painted on their cows. Could make someone else think they are infected and alert whatever authority governs cattle heath. But other than that, it sounds pretty cool. Someone could always write a suicide note blaming Anthrax and then kill themselves. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. That would get them all over CNN. On second thought, maybe that isn't the greatest idea after all. Nevermind.

SCott308 said:
I don't think ranchers would like having "Anthrax" painted on their cows. Could make someone else think they are infected and alert whatever authority governs cattle heath. But other than that, it sounds pretty cool. Someone could always write a suicide note blaming Anthrax and then kill themselves. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. That would get them all over CNN. On second thought, maybe that isn't the greatest idea after all. Nevermind.

This is the best idea so far. If someone wants to kill his or herself to help promote Anthrax, go right ahead.
I have no life... maybe I'll do it! See ya in HELL kids....... X)

NP- The Ballad of ThraxDude
I´ve had a serialkiller living just a kilometer from my home, the cops and investigators are going through the woods looking for clues. Maybe I could sneak around one night and leave little notes like "Anthrax - Music of mass destruction", "This is not an exit" or "Now you see me now you don´t".

I could also leave notes like "Ozzy akhbar", "9 out of 10 serialkillers prefere St Anger instead of good music".
Lordlindsey said:
Is it going to have the 'Purple-We've Come For You all' feel to it?
Currently it still has the Volume 8 look to it, which I think is very cool looking.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: for some reason I found this really funny,

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