Anthrax Questions


Married with Children
Nov 20, 2003
Ok I have a few stupid questions that I would Like to know more about and thought I would put them into one thread to save space.

First of all, I have been watching The 'Thrax Dvd alot latley and was wondering if someone could explain to my simple mind why the sound quality from the pot tour is so shitty, compared to say, the N.F.V. video, which is awsome. I am sure it is some stupid technical thing, but maybe someone could explain it better. I just cringe everytime it goes into some of that stuff.

Second, what would most people say is a success for a band in record sales. I every band wants to sell a million records, but do album sales really matter that much? Is the 50 thou that Anthrax just did floating their boat. or is wcfya cosidered a failure in terms of records sales. Just wondering what bands need to sell to consider a album a success, if even just to the band.

Thanks for any help!!!
Question 1. N.F.V. was recorded via a sound board, and visable re-dubs. The POT era fotage was recorded with what would seam to be just a hand heald camcorder. So the quality is poor. I myself can not watch it, for a number of reasons. Sound quality, How gay thay look and for the most part, I cant stand the sound of Joeys Voice..

Question 2. 50,000 is not bad. It as put some money in there pockets and gave them the oppertunity to go out on a headlining tour. touring is where the money is..
I think the POT era footage is from the in-house cams. (haven't watched it in a long time so I don't remember.) The audio would have to be soundboard because there is absolutely no crowd noise. The audio sounds like shit because whoever put that DVD together obviously didn't give a shit. (There are better videos recorded with just one camera and no soundboard audio.) Now the DVD, sad to say, is in the bargain bins at my local Media Play. Under $10.

50,000 copies sold is not enough.
yeah it really ruined the dvd showing those poor quality live clips,actually the way they chopped and changed halfway thru songs was pretty lame,it always seems like anthrax are behind the times now,not musically but in merchandising and marketing,they only recently started making cool shirts again,sown and stomp shirts were pretty mindless,remember the cool ones they had in the 80's!

as far as marketing is concerned and i know they arent on elektra but look at what damageplan is doing,they have sound cards with 3 clips of songs to send to poeple,also a great interview about how they came about available at website,i sure didnt see a vid interview of thrax anywhere,how hard could it be to please the fans,i do hope that although they are doing a live studio album that they actually do it with respect for the fans and not cut corners.

fans dont like to get screwed hint hint!

as for selling records i think 50 thousand is pretty good,considering it was available overseas before it hit usa it could have been alot worse,any band will also tell u that u dont make money from selling records anymore(with exception to bands that shift a shitload of copies),its just an indication of your hardcore fanbase.
what DVD r u talking about "pot tour" - is that the live noize one?

and what is a "visable re-dubs"??

success can be either: artistic or financial. however, sad to say that most people in society can only define the word success by how much money one earns...

anthrax are still successful but they just don;t sell that many records.

though i think the amount of touring they are doing these days would put them on quite a decent wage. anyone know what thrax's fee would be for a gig?
max said:
what DVD r u talking about "pot tour" - is that the live noize one?

and what is a "visable re-dubs"??

success can be either: artistic or financial. however, sad to say that most people in society can only define the word success by how much money one earns...

anthrax are still successful but they just don;t sell that many records.

though i think the amount of touring they are doing these days would put them on quite a decent wage. anyone know what thrax's fee would be for a gig?
Return of the Killer A's DVD had footage from POT.
It's cute to talk about success in non-monetary terms, and I don't think anyone is saying Anthrax needs to be as big as Linkin' Park. But is the album reaching as many people as it should? NO. Charlie even said that on the website.
It's like, EVERYfuckinONE should get his hands on WCFYA, I'm sure almost EVERYfuckinONE would like it. The problem is, most people just didn't get the chance.
max said:
what DVD r u talking about "pot tour" - is that the live noize one?

and what is a "visable re-dubs"??

success can be either: artistic or financial. however, sad to say that most people in society can only define the word success by how much money one earns...

anthrax are still successful but they just don;t sell that many records.

though i think the amount of touring they are doing these days would put them on quite a decent wage. anyone know what thrax's fee would be for a gig?

Joeys mouth dont match his lips in alot of the footage, leading me to believe it was re-recorded.:Spam: