Anthrax should open with FETYC(?)


Dec 16, 2002
So after a week I've listened to Fight Em now about 20 times, and just can't say how much this song is great.

I for one think the guys should open with it moving forwards. I think we've all grown a bit tired of CIAM or Indians as the opener (although I think they should still play them), and Fight Em will be pretty well known to a lot of people by the time Worship Music comes out and they play the upcoming Big 4 show in NY. Just my opinion - what do you guys think?

This would be my ideal setlist for an hour show (roughly). To be honest I'd prefer some more lesser played tunes but realise it's probably unrealistic. (Otherwise I'd have Panic in there, and Keep it in the Family. Among others).

- Fight Em Till You Can't
- Caught in a Mosh
- Madhouse
- Among the Living
- another new tune
- Indians
- In My World
- Antisocial
- Deathrider
- I Am The Law
- Gung Ho
Fight Em Til You Can't
Caught In A Mosh
Lone Justice
new tune
Be All, End All
new tune
Metal Thrashin' Mad
I Am The Law
Fight Em Til You Can't
Caught In A Mosh
Lone Justice
new tune
Be All, End All
new tune
Metal Thrashin' Mad
I Am The Law

Cool list, but I gotta ask..... do you not like the classic record that is POT?
I totlly support opening with the new song. Should go over well even if some people don't know it. Aside from the songs they must play, I'd like to hear Keep It In The Family and Armed And Dangerous.
I think Fight Em would make an excellent opener with the taped intro. I also like Thrashard's idea of using Finale to close the show.
As far a big four shows go, I wonder with all those old school thrashers in attendance which song they'd be more familiar with. Now it's dark or fight 'em???? Hmmmm
-Fight Em Til You Can't
-Caught in a Mosh
-new song
-In My World (Pleeeeease play this)
-Antisocial (I'm a bit tired of it, but they're never getting rid of it)
-Be All, End All
-Got the Time (They're never getting rid of this one either)
-Indians (Same)
-Now It's Dark
-Metal Thrashing Mad
-new song
Fight 'Em 'Till You Can't
Gung Ho
Metal Thrashing Mad
* new song
Caught In A Mosh
I Am The Law
Among The Living
* new song
Got The Time


Intro To Reality / Belly of The Beast
So when was the last time they played Now It's Dark? They played the mosh part during AIR in Finland in 2006, but that doesn't really count.

That's a good question. They probably haven't played all of it in twenty years. I forget which album it's on. Maybe live the island years. At the end they have a few tracks from a radio (wsou) show and they played a blistering rendition of it. Bass harmonies, cool backing vocals, awesome breakdown, that song is just awesome. Tailor made for Joey's voice.
When I went to see the first big 4 show in the theater I went to see Anthrax and everyone else was secondary. The coolest part of the show to me though was when Slayer opened with a new track off their latest album. To me that said no we are not a nostalgia act we are relevant and have never stopped being relevant and continue to put out great music, not relying on the "glory days" of 80's thrash. That made a big impact on me and raised my respect for Slayer (if it wasn't high enough already lol) so fuck yeah I'd love to see Anthrax open with FETYC. If it's good, the crowd will love it. And yes it is so fucking good!!!!!:headbang: