Anthrax worth checking out?


Nov 14, 2003
Bavaria, Germany
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You know, I've been wondering a lot lately, if Anthrax are worth checking out again. This is not an attempt to flame the band by any means. Nor is it a joke. Just a question by someone who was a big fan of the 80s-Anthrax. Well, not quite as I also liked Persistence Of Time and the Killer B's EP. But I lost interest in the band when John Bush took over the mic. I had the Only single which I didn't like very much and I saw some of the latter videos. Especially from The Sound Of White Noise. Didn't like any of 'em. But now it seems that there's such a stir about this band which made me curious. So what about it?
same routine, nothing changed, although they got some pretty good tunes on theire latest. maybe it's better to wait for the new album, Joey tunes sung by the infamous Bush!!Check out the the voting list on!!
We've Come for You All was voted their second best album of all time.
Among the Living was first best.
They are worth it. We've Come For you all has been there most balanced effort since Sound of White Noise. Well worth checking out.
A must have, but probably not for the folx who got stuck frozen in the eighties and ain't gonna melt out back.
johnnieCzech said:
A must have, but probably not for the folx who got stuck frozen in the eighties and ain't gonna melt out back.
I can't appreciate something that's not at least 15 years old, is that what you say? I mean, what the fuck is your problem, pal? If you don't like my question then don't reply. It's as simple as that! All I wanted to have were a few opinions. So why all that bitching? Had a bad day at the office?

@all -
Okay, I understand you all like Anthrax. Doesn't come a big surprise though. I mean, this is an Anthrax board after all. The point I'm trying to make is this: Can new 'thrax stuff live up to the old? And how does it sound like? If you had to label it what would that label be? Thrash? Power Metal? Old School? Nu Metal?
Welcome Drillsergeant:wave:

I'm sure johnnieCzech was just having a laugh. Real good bunch of people post here and its a bit tongue in cheek, so just laugh it off.

The reason We've come for you all was my favourite album of the year was diversity.
I really don't think you can label the new album at all. It starts off Thrash, has a song with blastbeats in it and then goes to pure rock Heaven. Something for everyones taste.

I highly recommend the album and have done to many people who bought t and agreed.

However John Bush is still the vocalist and if you really don't like his style, well........


The Louse
Chill dude.
Just because your stuck in the 80's, doesn't mean your a bad person. Plenty of people around here are. If you like Joey live in the 80's, then J. Bush is worth going to see.
DrillSergeant said:
I can't appreciate something that's not at least 15 years old, is that what you say? I mean, what the fuck is your problem, pal? If you don't like my question then don't reply. It's as simple as that! All I wanted to have were a few opinions. So why all that bitching? Had a bad day at the office?

@all -
Okay, I understand you all like Anthrax. Doesn't come a big surprise though. I mean, this is an Anthrax board after all. The point I'm trying to make is this: Can new 'thrax stuff live up to the old? And how does it sound like? If you had to label it what would that label be? Thrash? Power Metal? Old School? Nu Metal?
i can promise you he wasn't being mean. if you are a fan of old anthrax there is an equal chance of you liking this record very much or despising it. personally i think the band's energy and spirit have stayed the same, but their sound has evolved a great deal to a much higher plain. to me sound of white noise and we've come for you all sound nothing alike. you can tell it's the same band, but they have grown a lot.

if you enjoy good, honest heavy metal music i think you would think the new record is at least decent. you might not think it's the best album ever made, but i have no doubt you could find a song or two that impressed you. give it a shot. you may regret later on that you didn't.
Dude check them out. I myself am one of those guys that could be put in a glass with a sign hanging on it that read in case of 1988 break glass. We all know that with John in the band it is more like ArmoredThrax(sorry to borrow your name again) sounding but they have changed and matured in a lot of ways but still have balls. There was crap out in the 80s that could not hold a candle to the new Anthrax album. like Winger, Slaughter, Warrant and a bunch of thrash bands that did nothing but growl when they had good music. I listen to ATL now and some of it sounds dated to me but its still my fav Anthrax album. Times change and bands grow musically. "Alright Brother Rock On", :rock:
......although, if you didn't like SOWN (WTF?!?!) you might not like the new stuff. It has changed a little, but it's still Bushthrax. I am kinda suprised you didn't like SOWN, but hey, to each thier own. I like a lot of eighties stuff too, but most of those fellas are all over. Anthrax has "kept on keepin on" -to '80's up this cliche :hypno:
DrillSergeant said:
I can't appreciate something that's not at least 15 years old, is that what you say? I mean, what the fuck is your problem, pal? If you don't like my question then don't reply. It's as simple as that! All I wanted to have were a few opinions. So why all that bitching? Had a bad day at the office?

I haven't found a single word that might suggest I was reffering to YOU personally. I said it in general and that's what I think, because I've seen a few guys like that on this board. Since then I state my opinion. Peace.
Alright, johnnieCzech! I got your message and I want to apologize. :blush: I guess, I'm a bit touchy because of bad experiences with other forums. Many of them tend to flame newbies just for being such.
Anyway, I will keep all of your recommendations in mind and check out We've Come for You All as soon as I spot a cheap copy of it. I still have a hard time imagining Anthrax playing bastbeats and being able to beat their two masterpieces ATL and STD. But I'll certainly give them a chance to prove me wrong. Thanks everybody!
DrillSergeant said:
Alright, johnnieCzech! I got your message and I want to apologize. :blush: I guess, I'm a bit touchy because of bad experiences with other forums. Many of them tend to flame newbies just for being such.
Anyway, I will keep all of your recommendations in mind and check out We've Come for You All as soon as I spot a cheap copy of it. I still have a hard time imagining Anthrax playing bastbeats and being able to beat their two masterpieces ATL and STD. But I'll certainly give them a chance to prove me wrong. Thanks everybody!
Okay, as I said peace, I am not insulting anyone. You might have read an interview with Frankie on the official site, and he basically says that Anthrax has been a different band even for him (since Joey left and John came). So it's better not to compare, throw out all the preconceptions and you might be surprised. The latest record does kick megatons of ass.
I am also a fan of the 80's material, adn back in the days of the Fan Base website in 94/95, it seemed I was the only one defending thier old stuff. (I'm sorry, but, Sound of White Noise kicked all sorts of ass, and I will post my reasons why later)

Anyway, towards State of Euphoria and Persistence of Time, Joey’s vocal melodies began to sound tiring. Like he was fresh out of ideas. Judging by this Metal Maniacs interview with him I read from 1992, he said that he was handed the lyrics and told what melodies to sing. Well, whatever. The fact remains that his crooning was getting out of hand and his stage presence was total shit. Look at clips from the superb Among the Living tour compared with the POT tour … call me crazy, but THAT looks and sounds like 2 different bands to me.

John’s vocal melodies and just all out energy gave the band the boost that it needed. SOWN stacks up to the 80’s material just as well, and better in some respects. Stomp stacks up less so, but is still a strong album. Vol 8 saw them shifting into groove metal/White Zombie territory, one which I wasn’t too impressed with.

The new one does not abandon Volume 8’s direction, but adds many elements which were either missing or which the band has not entered into yet. Worth a purchase? I think so. Rivaling their first 3? Not really. I will say it’s a step in the right direction. There’s some very spirited performances by our man Charlie and especially John. They could have worked more on the vocal lines to the choruses, but this is the album that is just a shade under White Noise. And with Rob on lead, they have giving us some solos of solid caliber not heard since Danny played on White Noise 10 long years back.

Anthrax will always be my favorite band, they got me into metal, and their balls to the wall attitude got me through high school (1991-1995). May they keep playing as long as they are happy doing it.

DrillSergeant said:
I guess, I'm a bit touchy because of bad experiences with other forums. Many of them tend to flame newbies just for being such.
This board is 90% Schism Free!