anti-smoking commercials do nothing except make me want to smoke


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Fuck you! Maybe it's just the teenage rebel still buried within me but whenever I see those stupid fucking commercials it just makes me want to piss them off by showing my smoking solidarity and lighting up. "I don't care about my health, I just want to make your hypocritical misguided collective ass mad!"

I've smoked about a pack this month after not smoking for a year, and I have the strong urge to run down to the local Quick Stop and buy a pack right now. Again, fuck you!
Cheers to me just buying my first pack since January 2003 as well. Oops.

Black Winter Day said:
this thread makes me want to start smoking again, thanks NAD
Shuddup I smoked half a pack last night. :tickled: I feel like shite today, I think I'm gonna quit again in a week.
Dad: "Marty's involvement with pornography is just a symptom, Jesse."
Mom: "That's right! He needs Jesus!"

:lol: :puke:
I just read most of them, I laughed my balls off! I liked the Rock Music one with "Madonna Dahmer" as the band. :lol:
I have one last smoke in that pack I bought the other night, hopefully I'll quit after that.

Amazing how in the past 2 days my throat and lungs feel completely used and abused. Smoking is bad for you. is way fucking worse though. :)
Anyone in the UK seen the advert about how much fat smoking dumps in your arteries, with the fatty fat pouring out of the cigarettes? That's fucking grim! I hate that advert!

I wonder what time the supermarket down the road opens :hmm: cos it's 10 past 7 in the morning and a fag would be most splendid at this time...

And, goddamn, why'd everyone change their avatars while I was away?!