Anticipated albums of 2004?


May 8, 2003
New Jersey
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Seeing as how 2003 is now behind us, and 2004 has just started, what are you most looking forward to coming out this year?

Personally, Ayreon-The Human Equation is my top choice. Some of the best singers out there are on this one (Devon Graves, James LaBrie, Devin Towsend, Opeth dude, etc) and nearly every project Arjen Luccassen has touched has been really great sounding to me (not a big fan of actual fantasy though).
Demonspell said:
Into Eternity
Pain Of Salvation
My Dying Bride
Sieges Even
Symphony X
Ulver are going to release another album? didn't they release a full lenght a while ago? :err:
Wow Nightwish has a new one coming out? I still need to get Century Child but haven't got around to it since their is so much other stuff I am more interested in getting first.

I say:

Symphony X (I pray it comes out before Winter though!)
Pain of Salvation
Rhapsody (wondering if it will be as guitar heavy as PoD? The ones before it were lacking in the guitar department)
Zero Hour- De-Evolution
Zero Hour (De-Evolution is almost totally done and they have almost finished the writing of the material for the NEXT album....they said they are hoping to release it only a couple months after De-Evolution)

These are just the albums I KNOW are coming out this year!